Dear all,
Does anybody have a straight forward way/procedure/protocol to model
alternate conformations in COOT and refine them in CNS? In particular, I
am interested if there is any tool for switching the PDB notation
between the two programs. I know ACONIO from Gerard Kleywegt but it does
not like my pdb files as I have some non-standard residues inside (or I
do something wrong). Any help or idea is appreciated.


p.s. For certain reasons, I would like to stick to CNS for refinement.


Dr. Christian Biertümpfel
Laboratory of Molecular Biology

NIDDK/National Institutes of Health              phone: +1 301 402 4647
9000 Rockville Pike, Bldg. 5, Rm. B1-03          fax:   +1 301 496 0201
Bethesda, MD 20892-0580

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