> (Python scripting option verendus est)
> In python script, it appears that show_select_map_dialog simply shows
> the dialog and quits.  I am trying to set up a method that would do
> certain things depending on the choice of map.  So I use
> show_select_map_dialog, but it appears that it does not wait until user
> makes a choice there.  I tried to put a sleep cycle for 10 seconds that
> would keep checking if map selection changed, but the dialog does not
> show until the cycle is over.  Is there any way to show the dialog and
> then wait for user to make selection?
> Here is the version of the code that shows the dialog but then proceeds
> further without waiting for selection
> ---
>    show_select_map_dialog()
>    imodel = (imol_refinement_map() - shknum)/2
>    highlight_model(imodel)
> ---
> Her is the code with sleep-cycle.  This one only shows the map selection
> dialog after 10 seconds (something equivalent to yield function in wx is
> needed)
> ---
>    from time import sleep
>    imap = imol_refinement_map()
>    show_select_map_dialog()
>    for i in range(10):
>        if imap != imol_refinement_map():
>            break
>        sleep(1)
>    imodel = (imol_refinement_map() - shknum)/2
>    highlight_model(imodel)
> ---

Not sure what you'd like to achieve, but perhaps the
map_molecule_chooser_gui is what you are looking for.

Something along the lines:

map_molecule_chooser_gui("This is what I'll do to your map",
      lambda imol: my_map_manipulation_function(imol))

This brings up a map selector gui, the user selects the map, and you
do whatever you want with the imol picked up.

Other useful little widgets here:

> --
> Coot verendus est


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