Somehow I cannot reproduce this error. Can you send (confidential) pdb files? I am afraid the only way to avoid this crash is not to call ssm on the offending files.
And yes, it appears that the crash catcher doesnt know about no-graphics.


P.S. Coot does not call SSM from ccp4 but used it's own 'built-in' SSM.

Thanks.  That did it.  Now my next question is whether the mailing
list is the right place to ask about segfaults on SSM superpose.  For
certain structures I get:

   *** secondary structure does not match.
/programs/l/coot/0.6.2-pre-1-r2969-x86_64/bin/coot: line 247: 10799
Segmentation fault      $coot_real $@
(coot-crash-catcher.scm:10808): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

So: 1. it looks like there may be a bug which causes the seg fault;
and (less importantly) 2. it looks like the crash catcher doesn't
account for the possibility of being in "--no-graphics" mode.

Is there any way I can avoid this seg fault and have coot continue, do
I have an old version of coot (I don't think so), is something mis-
configured, or do I just have to live with this until there is a bug
fix in the future?




Dr. Bernhard Lohkamp
Assistant Professor
Div. Molecular Structural Biology
Dept. of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB)
Karolinska Institutet
S-17177 Stockholm

phone: (+46) 08-52487651
fax:   (+46) 08-327626

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