On 02/02/11 12:03, Alejandro Buschiazzo wrote:
Dear Coot-ers,

sorry if this has already been asked (I really can't find that) : after
some fiddling and unsuccessful exploring, I wonder what would be the
correct (or best, if several Fedora-like work), latest available Coot
binary, to run under CentOS5 (32-bit arch)?


Thanks to the people in York and a bit of rebooting my desktop, we have up-to-date pre-releases for 32-bit RedHat 4 and 5 Oses.


This is a summary of federated coot binary build machines. If you have a machine (e.g. an OpenSuse) that could run a build (at night typically) that could be made available to the community, we can add that target too.


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