Hi Hari,

python scripts are read in from the following locations (*)(x):

- $HOME/.coot.py   (equivalent to .coot)
- $HOME/.coot-preferences  (a directory, all script file from here are read)
- $COOT_PYTHON_EXTRAS_DIR  (a directory which you can specify yourself)

Calculate->Run script should always work. If it doesnt there may be something wrong with the script. What does the DOS console tell you.

Hope this helps,


(*) on Windows (currently) $HOME is $COOT_HOME which is the directory WinCoot is installed in

(x) wonder if this needs a better documentation, some can be found here: http://strucbio.biologie.uni-konstanz.de/ccp4wiki/index.php/Coot#Startup_files

Hi recently found myself using coot on windows and was wondering where
the user specific key bindings are to be introduced to coot.
This was windows 7 and I think it defines the users home directory as
C:\Users\user.name\ , but I know that other Windows versions use
"C:\Documents and Settings\user.name" as the home.
I tried to add my python coot bindings based off Bernhard Lohkamp to
both of those locations and they didnt seem to get picked up.

I then tried reading in the script bearing the key bindings using
Calculate-Runscript- and picking the filename.py . Strangely that
didnt work either.

When I then copy-pasted the python script directly into the scripting
window within coot using Calculate-Scripting-Python and then pasting
in the code there. The key bindings did show up and work proving that
there were no in-advertant syntax errors like new line charcaters etc
that were corrupting the python syntax in the filename.py.

Am I correct in that coot windows only supports python scripting and
where do I have my key-bindings python scipt so that they are picked
up on startup and show up in Extensions-Settings-Key-bindings.




Dr. Bernhard Lohkamp
Assistant Professor
Div. Molecular Structural Biology
Dept. of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB)
Karolinska Institutet
S-17177 Stockholm

phone: (+46) 08-52487651
fax:   (+46) 08-327626
email: bernhard.lohk...@ki.se

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