Dear All,

Using the 'Find waters' dialog with coot v.0.7-pre-1 (revision 4455) 
Linux-i686-ubuntu-10.04.4-python-gtk2, appears to be sensitive to the location 
of the model. I have a model that is translated by 2 unit cells along Z. When I 
use 'find waters' with that model location, the console output is :

finding peaks above 1.2 sigma 
Protein centre at: xyz = (     17.12,    -10.44,     212.8)
using sigma cut off 1.2
Calling lig.water_fit()
INFO:: find_clusters map_rms is 0.42901
INFO:: Using density cut-off: 0.514812 (1.2 sigma)  (mean -0.0512968 stdev: 
INFO:: Using water to protein distance limits: 2 6
Finding clusters...done
INFO:: found 0 waters in water fitting
Done - back from lig.water_fit()

If I translate with model (with SYMGEN X,Y,Z-2 in pdbset) and re-run it :

finding peaks above 1.2 sigma 
Protein centre at: xyz = (     36.11,    -10.44,      26.5)
using sigma cut off 1.2
Calling lig.water_fit()
INFO:: find_clusters map_rms is 0.441313
INFO:: Using density cut-off: 0.529576 (1.2 sigma)  (mean -0.0575211 stdev: 
INFO:: Using water to protein distance limits: 2.4 3.2
Finding clusters...done
INFO:: found 23 waters in water fitting
Done - back from lig.water_fit()
DEBUG::  new_waters_mol_flag: 1
Symmetry available for this molecule

The problem is that even after the translation, some putative waters appear to 
still escape detection.
Can anyone confirm that the problem exists, or it is me doing something wrong ?

All the best,

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