On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 12:42:23PM -0400, Ben Eisenbraun wrote:
> Howdy Coot-ers,
> Clicking Extensions->Modelling->Jligand launch results in:
> Environment variable JLIGAND_HOME not set
> jligand java jar file: ./jligand.jar not found
> And in the terminal:
> (info-dialog "Environment variable JLIGAND_HOME not set
> jligand java jar file: ./jligand.jar not found")
> It looks like the environment variable bit is a red herring, since setting
> it doesn't actually work.

Well, maybe it's not totally a red herring, since I now seem to have to
change both the jligand.scm file _and_ put JLIGAND_HOME in the environment
in order to get it to work.

I was initially eyeballing the jligand.py file, which helpfully searches
$CCP4_BIN for the jar file before giving up, so maybe that was the behavior
that I saw when it was working without the JLIGAND_HOME setting.

Can I force a Coot build to prefer the python extensions over the Scheme


| Ben Eisenbraun
| SBGrid Consortium                          | http://sbgrid.org       |
| Harvard Medical School                     | http://hms.harvard.edu  |

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