You are (most likely) missing the goocanvas libraries on your system. Once you installed this (and recompiled coot with it), it should work.


On 22/01/2013 12:32, "ing. Jan Stránský" wrote:
Hello (again),
I've get closer where is the problem:
I'm missing Coot Ligand Builder. The button in Calculate -> Ligand
builder is disabled. But I'm unable to google it.
Where do I get it?

Best regards


On 01/08/2013 01:47 PM, Paul Emsley wrote:
On 08/01/13 12:27, "ing. Jan Stránský" wrote:
Hi everybody,
I think, I have some problem with JLigand. Recently on CCP4-weekend's
lunch bytes I saw in Bernhard's (or Paul's) JLigand window one extra
toolbar (see my window in attachment). I remember ther was icon with
"+" to show close contacts of ligand and button for direct  sending
of ligand to coot (or to update it). I have JLigand 1.0.37 and coot
0.7 runing under Fedora.
Where is the problem?

Hello (again) Jan,

We suspect that you are remembering the "+" environment button in the
Lidia window (to get a better analysis of the interactions, you should
hydrogenate region first (this needs molprobity probe)).


Paul and Bernard.


Dr. Bernhard Lohkamp
Assistant Professor
Div. Molecular Structural Biology
Dept. of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB)
Karolinska Institutet
S-17177 Stockholm

phone: (+46) 08-52487651
fax:   (+46) 08-327626

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