Sorry to bother you with this question but I´m having some troubles when 
loading smiles of new synthesize ligands for fitting.

First I was using an older version of Coot and after File=>smiles, an error 
message showed up (related to ccp4 libcheck connection). Apparently  this 
happens when ccp4 is not installed on the computer (or so I've read after 
google it), what's a bit puzzling since ccp4 is already installed in my 
computer (Mac OS Lion 10.7.5) ….  As I'm not an expert on computers I though 
this could be some kind of bug due to Lion (??) …

Anyway, I realized that there is a new version of coot (v0.7.0) and hoping this 
version has fixed this "ghost bug", I downloaded it and installed from ccp4 
coot-0.7.0-i386.dmg. Now, after File=>smile, nothing happens ... and I mean 
nothing. Coot stays still as if I wouldn't click any button and there is no 
error/warning message that gives you a tip about what's the problem (but the 
window to paste the smile never pop-up).

I´m new with coot and the ligand fitting tool and I open Coot by double 
clicking  on the Applications icon or from Phenix. Maybe using scripting would 
avoid this problems but I´m not good at it  …. yet (I'm working on it)

I really would really appreciate any help/suggestion you can give me


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