Dear colleagues,

We would like to announce the Instruct-sponsored 4-day course “Structure and Function of Membrane Proteins- a multidisciplinary approach”, to be held at ITQB, Oeiras (nearby Lisbon), Portugal, from 5 to 8 November 2013.

The course will address several techniques for the structural and functional characterization of membrane proteins, with special emphasis on Macromolecular Crystallography, Mass Spectrometry, Electron Microscopy and Nuclear Magnetic Ressonance. The information provided by each technique, their applications in biological systems, major benefits and limitations will be discussed.

The course is organized with lectures in the mornings and interactive tutorials in the afternoons. In addition, the selected applicants are grouped and each group works on a case study (based on 2-3 papers covering techniques of interest and a questionnaire) and gives a presentation at the end of the course.

The course is aimed primarily at PhD students, young Post-Doctoral researchers and others with research activities involving structural biology of membrane proteins. Participants will be limited to 20. Candidate selection will be based on a short CV, a motivation letter from the applicant, and a recommendation letter from the supervisor.

Registration deadline is September 16, please send your application to .
More information can be found at

The organizing commission,
Margarida Archer (ITQB-UNL), Carlos Cordeiro (FC-UL) and José A. Brito (ITQB-UNL)

* José Artur Brito, PhD                        *
*                                              *
* Post-Doctoral Fellow                         *
* Membrane Protein Crystallography Lab         *
* Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica  *
* Oeiras - Portugal                            *
*                                              *
* Tel.: +351.21.446.97.61                      *
* Fax:  +351.21.443.36.44                      *
*                                              *
* E-mail:                   *
* URL:                   *

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