On 23/08/13 20:57, Tim wrote:

I'm running into trouble when trying to add an alternative conformation to a 
non-standard residue type and subsequently trying to do real-space refinement.  
I am working on the structure of a fluorescent protein that cyclizes three 
residues in the middle of an alpha-helix.  So the chromophore is connected to 
the protein still, but I have to list it as a separate residue type with a .cif 
dictionary.  I have managed to get it all working, except for real space 
refinement of a chromophore with alternative conformations in Coot.  I can 
real-space refine in Coot when I only have one conformation with no problem.  I 
can run refinement in Phenix with no problem on the alternative conformations.  
But when I try to real-space refine a zone (the alpha helix containing the 
chromophore) in Coot with the alternative conformations of the chromophore 
present, Coot seems to forget that there is a chromophore and refines the 
surrounding residues but not the chromophore (it even wants to move the 
surrounding alpha helical residues down into the density filled by the 

I'd appreciate any help and can provide cif dictionaries and all of that if it 
would be of help.

When you say "Real Space Refinement" which function are you activating? The one "under" the button on the toolbar on the right? (That has a primitive "by-sequence-number only" neighbour search (sphere refine is more sophisticated)).


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