HI all,

Just went back to a project and oddly having about the same problem (which
I do not think existed before):

Coot 0.8-pre revision 4792 on 10.6.8

I have a modified residue, but has partial occupancy, so the residues have
different names for A and B.

Just thought I'd share (and Scott - who is this person?).



ERROR 39 READ: Duplicate sequence number and insertion code.
         LINE #4250
     ATOM   1597  N  ACYS A 238      30.800 -10.177  46.748  0.29 15.31

Spacegroup: C 2 2 2
There was a coordinates read error

What's in the .pdb file around line 4250:

ATOM   1596  H  BCSO A 238      30.629 -10.803  47.321  0.71 16.21
ATOM   1597  N  ACYS A 238      30.800 -10.177  46.748  0.29 15.31
  N   # <--- line 4250
ANISOU 1597  N  ACYS A 238     1771   1072   2973    141    534    201

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Scott Classen <sclas...@lbl.gov> wrote:

> Hello COOTers,
> A colleague (not on the coot mailing list… shame on him) has a problem.
> His heterodimer is composed of alpha and beta subunits that are 95%
> identical, and because of his chosen space group, end up packing in the
> crystal lattice such that some residue positions (the 5% that are not
> identical and that are sufficiently well ordered to see differences) have
> mixtures of two different amino acids at the same position. How should he
> deal with this in coot?
> Thanks,
> Scott
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Scott Classen, Ph.D.
> SIBYLS Beamline 12.3.1
> sibyls.als.lbl.gov
> Advanced Light Source
> Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
> 1 Cyclotron Rd
> MS6R2100
> Berkeley, CA 94720
> cell 510.206.4418
> desk 510.495.2697
> beamline 510.495.2134
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

David Shin, Ph.D
Lawrence Berkeley National Labs
1 Cyclotron Road
MS 83-R0101
Berkeley, CA 94720

David Shin, Ph.D
Lawrence Berkeley National Labs
1 Cyclotron Road
MS 83-R0101
Berkeley, CA 94720

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