Thanks Paul,

A few follow up notes for how I got that working from your example...

On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 9:20 PM, Paul Emsley <>wrote:

> On 10/01/14 02:30, Seth Harris wrote:
>> Hi all & Paul,
>> Sometime back I found or was taught or given this:
>> (add-key-binding "Add Water" "w" (lambda () (place-typed-atom-at-pointer
>> "Water")))
>> (Probably from "Pauls-key-bindings-for-coot"...)
>> I was looking for a quick way while browsing map peaks to add waters that
>> the 'find waters' algorithms had overlooked for one reason or another.
>> It fell into disuse, however, as I'd end up with all these waters in the
>> "Pointer Atoms" object, and it would be a chore to reunite them with the
>> primary pdb in question, accounting for numbering differences of already
>> existing waters.
>> I'd much rather replicate what the "Place atom at pointer..." + icon
>> dialogue does, where you tell it which molecule you want to add to and it
>> takes care of the numbering appropriately.
>> So, is it simple to do this on key binding where function would be "put
>> water at pointer but add it to mol 0 with appropriate incremental residue
>> numbering"?
> I see.
> I guess (without testing) that adding the following should do what you
> want:
> (set-pointer-atom-molecule 0)
> I first tried adding that line to my .coot file. That didn't seem to work,
but it was functional if I typed it into the scheme scripting command line
window. So then I appended it to a .scm script that is called when actually
loading the specific structure. I suppose it couldn't set the pointer atom
molecule to 0 if there was no molecule 0 (not like a default) so this way
it loads the molecule first and then is successful...

My script to load everything up looks something like this (variables are
set from directory parameters):

/usr/local/bin/coot --no-state-script --pdb
${project}${compound_id}_in_${nextcycle}.pdb --dictionary ${ligand} --auto
sf/cycle_${cycle}.mtz --script ~/scripts/coot_refinement_map.scm

and the final coot_refinement_map.scm being called therein now has this 2nd

(set-imol-refinement-map 1)
(set-pointer-atom-molecule 0)

That appears to do the trick. Thought it might help if anyone else is
wanting to do similar. Thanks so much! Small thing that I've been meaning
to get sorted for some time...

I haven't adapted my scripts to the method below yet...


>> (I tend to fire coot up from scripts, so can guarantee that mol number 0
>> is the one I want to use...)
> Coot is designed so that you can capture the molecule number and work with
> it:
> (let ((imol (read-pdb "refine.pdb"))
>    (set-pointer-atom-molecule imol)
>    (set-rotation-centre 1 2 3)
>    (placed-typed-atom-at-pointer "Water"))
>> Thanks for any tips/guidance (or flat out working answer!) or suggestions
>> I go read the scheme scripting manual...
> Let's not be hasty.... :)
> Paul.

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