I'm sure I am doing something wrong but I have a set of coordinates for a 
structure containing five Lu3+ ions created by Phenix autosol. When read into 
COOT (and afterwards upon modification), I can seem to real space refine the 
last Lu3+ in the list. The first four work fine but the last one returns an 
error message - "No restraints found! ...."

Here is the extracted Lu3+ positions from the PDB. I'm sure I am missing 
something but my brain is froze (or more likely withering slowly away with age 
and occassional blasts of EtOH and x-ray photons).

HETATM10242 LU  L LU B   1      84.960  20.150  49.139  0.99 35.49          Lu3+
HETATM10243 LU  L LU B   2      80.752  24.659  51.587  0.99104.78          Lu3+
HETATM10244 LU  L LU B   3      61.052  53.144  23.645  0.99184.97          Lu3+
HETATM10245 LU  L LU B   4      73.304   6.676  29.987  0.99254.64          Lu3+
HETATM10246 LU  L LU B   5      81.973  25.555  53.290  0.99237.32          Lu3+

Joseph P. Noel, Ph.D.
Arthur and Julie Woodrow Chair
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Professor, The Jack H. Skirball Center for Chemical Biology and Proteomics
The Salk Institute for Biological Studies
10010 North Torrey Pines Road
La Jolla, CA  92037 USA

Phone: (858) 453-4100 extension 1442
Cell: (858) 349-4700
Fax: (858) 597-0855
E-mail: n...@salk.edu

Publications & Citations: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=xiL1lscAAAAJ

Homepage Salk: http://www.salk.edu/faculty/noel.html
Homepage HHMI: http://hhmi.org/research/investigators/noel.html

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