Dear cooters,
I installed  fink and packages (in OS X 10.9.2) following directions from Scott 
lab web page 
When I try to launch coot this message appears:

dyld: Symbol not found: __ZNK5RDKit4Dict5toanyISsEEN5boost3anyET_
  Referenced from: /sw/lib/libcoot-lidia-core.0.dylib
  Expected in: /sw/lib/rdkit/libRDGeneral.1.dylib
 in /sw/lib/libcoot-lidia-core.0.dylib
/sw/bin/coot: line 9:  9411 Trace/BPT trap: 5       /sw/bin/coot-real "$@"

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you so much in advance.


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