Hi all,

Is there a built-in python or scheme function to return the Ramachandran 
probability of a given residue?

I can't seem to find such a function but the data must be in there somewhere. 

I have written a couple of little jiffies to create copies of the active 
molecule colored by rotamer probability and "missing atoms" (see last two 
functions in linked script below - basically they assign rotamer score or 
missing atom factor to b-factor column and then color by B), which I find to be 
a useful guide during the later stages of building, and I would quite like to 
do the same for Ramachandran probability.

I like having copies of the working molecule colored by the validation stats - 
it makes it easier to quickly identify problem regions comprised of residues 
that are nearby in space but not necessarily in sequence. I have hacked 
something together that sort of works, but if there was any possibility of 
including a proper implementation of the same (e.g. with dynamic updating of 
the relevant stats) in a future version of coot I think it would be a valuable 

Script (contains a lot of junk, last two functions are the only ones relevant 
to this post): https://www.dropbox.com/s/0b4bebwxw0p9x0e/oli_custom.py?dl=0


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