Hi Dorothy,
this dashed lines represent links. You can delete them in PDB-file, look for keywords LINK and LINKER. In coot you can create them via tool in menu. However its creation after Real Space Refinemnet or Regularize zone looks to me as a bug.


On 11/04/2014 01:16 PM, ly wrote:
Dear Eleanor,
Thank  you for your advice.
I have tried it, but it didn't work.
Also the dash line shown by the function in environmental distance is different from the lines in my display.

At 2014-11-04 17:50:40, "Eleanor Dodson" <eleanor.dod...@york.ac.uk> wrote:

    Check under Measures - are you showing environmental distances, or
    did you ask for a distance to be displayed - there is an option
    there - clear all distances.

    On 4 November 2014 04:55, ly <papama...@126.com
    <mailto:papama...@126.com>> wrote:

        I just encountered a problem during handling the residue fit:
        after using the program "real space refine zone " and
        "regularize zone", the residue cys 434 and his 435 have fit
        the map, but two dash lines were formed between the Carbonyl O
        and C in cys 434 and Carbonyl O in his 435, I change the
        position and orientation
        of the residue, even mutate the residue, delete it and create
        it again. However, the two dash lines still can't be
        removed.The picture show this problem in the picture in
        I hope anyone to give me some advice and suggestion to solve
        the problem, I would
          appreciate hearing them.

        Thank you!,

Jan Stransky, PhD student
Institute of Biotechnology, AS CR
Laboratory of structure and function of biomolecules
Nad Safinou II 366
Czech Republic

Tel.: +420226201570

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