Coot 0.8.7 is released.

Binaries and source code from

For those who compile from source, this version works with CCP4SRS (not currently enabled in my standard binary builds).

Release 0.8.7

  o FEATURE: Lidia now has canvas scaling

  o FEATURE: Lidia now has CH3 superatoms, atom name and index display modes

  o FEATURE: Atom renaming to reference comp_id now has a place on the
             Ligand menu

  o FEATURE: Sequence View dynamically updates after a residue zone deletion

  o FEATURE: NCS local update now has a place on the NCS menu

  o CHANGE:  File -> SMILES has been removed

  o CHANGE:  Additional parameters available in the ligand-fitting dialog

  o CHANGE:  Non-bonded contact restraints calculation speed up

  o BUG-FIX: Fix side-chain plane restraints for sphere-refined residues with
             alt confs

  o BUG-FIX: MSE atoms are HETATMs after mutation [Sivasankar Putta]

  o BUG-FIX: Fixed PRO link restraints [Martin Montgomery]

  o BUG-FIX: CD bump exception in HYP NBC across link [Jens Kaiser]

  o BUG-FIX: Bond-dragging in Lidia now cleaned up

  o BUG-FIX: Correct bonds to W in WO4.

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