Hi Paul.

On 07/06/18 18:06, Paul Emsley wrote:
On 07/06/18 16:16, Jose Artur Brito wrote:
Dear All,

greetings from sunny Portugal!

I had problems in the past with duplicate sequence numbers, namely
when I had very high resolution and three different conformations for
the same residue. However, I am refining a structure that, for
historical (??) reasons has a few sequential residues numbered e.g.,
37, 37A, 37B, 38, 39.....

Having (allow-duplicate-sequence-numbers) in my .coot and
~/.coot-preferences/coot-preferences.scm solved my initial problem in
the past.
Is this the same problem? - I'm not sure.

Not the same problem. In the past I had the same residue (ie, same numbering), with three different conformations; now I have three sequential different residues with same numbering (37, 37A and 37B).

But not now. When I want to real-space-refine residue 37B and
double-click on it, it works on 37, not 37B.

This is a bug. Thanks for letting me know. I'll fix it soon (top priority).

Thank you. If you need, I can send you the pdb file (off the board).




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* José Artur Brito, PhD                        *
*                                              *
* Post-Doctoral Fellow                         *
* Membrane Protein Crystallography Lab         *
* NOVA ITQB                                    *
* Oeiras - Portugal                            *
*                                              *
* Tel.: +351 214 469 760                       *
* Fax:  +351 214 433 644                       *
*                                              *
* E-mail: jbr...@itqb.unl.pt                   *
* URL: http://mx.itqb.unl.pt                   *


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