On 02/10/2018 17:24, BuddySphinx wrote:

I am trying to use the Baton mode feature to manually trace my Ca carbon. I started on an atom within an alpha helix and hit the point where I realized this is the first atom. Now I want to set up this as the first atom, is there a way to do that? Also, by reading the manual, I tried to “building back” feature. I typed the command in Coot Scheme Scripting using the following command line: set-baton-build-params start-resno chain-id ”backwards”, but it gave me an error saying :”Unbound variable: start resno”. I am wondering what did I do wrong?

The first atom is placed at the tip of the baton - so start with the centre of the screen ~3.7A away from this - use to cross-hairs to find out where.

Well done for reading the manual. These days, I would do the following:

Baton build my fragment -> makes molecule 3 say
CA-Zone to Mainchain on molecule 3 (-> Molecule 4)
Copy Molecule 3 (-> Molecule 5)
Other Modelling Tools -> Reverse Fragment (on Molecule 5) and then CA-Zone to 
Mainchain on that.

This is a bit of a faff. The next release of Coot will do this for you.




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