On 10/02/2019 15:01, Ahmad Khalifa wrote:
1) I like to set my structure view to show only the alpha carbon backbone. Is there a way to show the side chains of only selected residues?
There is: graphics_to_ca_plus_ligands_and_sidechains_representation(imol) That, as you can see, doesn't work with selections, but maybe limiting the display radius will do what you want: Extensions -> Representation -> Limit Model Display Radius
2) I have a tyr and an arg that I think are interacting (sort of clashing). How can I refine both residues together to converge on possible interacting conformations?
Yes - that's what Sphere Refine is supposed to address. If that doesn't do what you want, then you can refine just those two residues (say 100 and 200 both in the A chain) in molecule imol:
Calculate -> Scripting -> Python: refine_residues(imol, [["A", 100, ""], ['A', 200, '']]) Paul. ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the COOT list, click the following link: https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=COOT&A=1