On 20/03/19 19:49, Ahmad Khalifa wrote:
> I have a cryo-EM map that I want to segment.

"segment" as in what segger does? Or merely create a masked map?

> I have structures surrounding the density of interest from all sides.
> I used chimera to subtract everything and clean the density using
> volume eraser.

OK, you can do that in coot too (if I understand what you did).

> The screenshot is what I got:
> 1) the structure is not fitted

No... So I see. Generally one puts the molecule in the centre of the
cube of the reconstruction and fits a molecule there.
So I suggest you do that (reading in the map into a fresh coot session
will do that). Then read in your molecule model.
Then use Calculate -> Move Molecule Here.

Turn on the unit cell to help you out.

maybe a bit of jiggle-fit will help?

> 2) the density appears to have multiple copies of my proteins, it's
> supposed to be only one there!

Coot doesn't yet know not to draw density outside the box when it has a
cryo-EM map.

> What is wrong here exactly, I'm suspecting it's the volume eraser!

Maybe... but I doubt it. It's easy to apply transformations to maps and
models in chimera (and not really know it?). That's much harder to do in

> Is there a better way to segment the density given how I have atomic
> models for all the surrounding densities, but not the density of
> interest? 

What would be the result of segmentation? You model looks like it would
fit your map.



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