Dear All,

We are pleased to announce the release of Coot



More Linux binaries and Windows binaries will be forthcoming in due course.


p.s. if you get this twice, sorry about that... I suspect that not
everyone with an interest is on the Coot mailing list.



  o FEATURE: LINK info added to header browser

  o FEATURE: External angle restraints are now available (corresponding
to REFMAC type
         0 restraints) - mini-rsr included [Robbie Joosten]

  o FEATURE: raster3d output now includes labels [Vito Calderone]

  o FEATURE: API for user-defined unimodal torsion restraints (for
pyranoses) [Juan Hermoso]

  o FEATURE: Consolidated Validation dialog added

  o FEATURE: "Variable" bond widths i.e. as you zoom out, the bond lines
get thinner
             [Erec Stebbins]
             (set-use-variable-bond-thickness 1)

  o CHANGE:  SF4 Iron-Sulfur clusters are now bonded using the
dictionary (and so appear "cubic")
             [Hannah Bridges]

  o CHANGE:  Edit -> Copy Fragment now has a "Move it Here" check-button

  o CHANGE:  Old interface to PRODRG removed [Elinor Breiner]

  o CHANGE:  Jiggle-fit speed up by using backbone mode if possible

  o CHANGE:  Forwards-fitting a terminal residue now correctly positions
the O atom
             of the current residue that corresponds to the new residue

  o CHANGE:  Planar peptide restraints now apply to PTRANS restraints as
well as TRANS

  o CHANGE:  "Linear" refine no longer exists, the refinement button now
uses the same
             interface as sphere refine. Residues now have environments
but "finding peptide
             links by residue number, no matter how far the residues are
away from each
             other" has been removed

  o CHANGE: Difference map peaks are now a shade of yellow and purple
[Keith Wilson]

  o CHANGE:  Squares to circles in the Ramachandran Plot

  o CHANGE:  Default is now not to generate a monomer on reading a
dictionary cif file

  o CHANGE:  More functions added to the coot_extended python module

  o CHANGE:  RCrane restored

  o CHANGE:  Add so that
             can link a NAG to a SER

  o CHANGE:  CA Zone -> Main-chain builds in both directions

  o CHANGE:  Alignment gap penalty changed to -3.0

  o CHANGE:  Merging a ligand molecule now adds the ligand to the
closest chain - unless
             a merging molecule ligand has been specified

  o BUG-FIX: the H atom in a peptide is now moved along with the other
peptide atoms
             on a cis->trans conversion (and vice versa)

  o BUG-FIX: align-and-mutate occasional reversing of residues fixed
[Rob Kirchdoerfer]

  O BUG-FIX: Using PDB-REDO now loads an anomalous map also (if
possible) [Robbie Joosten]

  o BUG-FIX: Fix typo in template-keybindings-to-preferences that causes
             installation of key-bindings to fail sometimes [Colin Palmer].

  o BUG-FIX: The slow update on deleting deviant extra distance
restraints has been
             been replaced with a faster version [JED]

  o BUG-FIX: db_mainchain() fragment/chain indexing bug fixed [Oliver

  o BUG-FIX: db_mainchain() no longer crashes when using negative
residue numbers
             [Oliver Clarke]

  o BUG-FIX: Delete All Carbohydrate now works with carbohydrate with
insertion codes


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