
I have a question about the undo mechanism, especially if I undo several steps. 
Occasionally, when I undo and the redo, I do not get back to where I expect to 
be. Instead it seems that the I could recall a previous state. This seems to 
happen when I have made a series of undo and then "forked" at an earlier stage.

Here is an example:

3 - 6

Let say I work along states 1 through 5. Then I undo until 3 and work a bit. 
Then if I undo I get back to 3 but cannot redo to reach 6 again, but rather get 
4 and yet another redo brings me to 5.

Is this by design? I feel an undo action followed by a redo should bring you 
back to where you were before you pressed the undo. Not bring you to a state 
from much earlier.

I'm using the 0.9-pre build from CCPEM 1.4.1.


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