On 20/12/2019 16:35, Colin Levy wrote:

Can anyone suggest the correct method for introducing a non natural amino acid into a protein backbone? I am aware of the modelling, replace residue option but in this instance I am having no joy in creating a protein chain that can subsequently be real space refined etc.

The residue in question is a Trp with NE1 substituted for S


4OG doesn't have standard amino acid backbone atom names, hence "Replace 
residue" won't work.

It seems to me that you want to do 2 ligand to protein links, one for the N -> CO and the other for the CO -> N link. Unfortunately, how to do this is not clear at the moment. You can either do it in Coot with "Make an Acedrg Link" in the CCP4 module - or there is a method for the same in CCP4i2 7.1 (not yet released). You will need to do both ends, as I said.

I am aware that the documentation could be clearer and it's on the list to fix.



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