On 15/07/2020 08:16, Clemens Vonrhein wrote:
Hi Paul,

On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 11:16:55AM +0100, Paul Emsley wrote:
Maybe you could give today's reversion a bash
What does that mean? I guess it is meant as a git commit ID, right?


Is that a commit relative to https://github.com/pemsley/coot? The last
commit there was on 1st July - so much earlier than your message above
suggests (79b39819b735b6ccacb2332fe89a2ef0d411a78d).

Is it maybe in a branch? Which one? Looking at


it seems you are working in branches "gtk3" and "refinement" ... and
indeed, after some searching I can find


in the "refinement" branch.

That's right. The message was for CCP4 or CCP-EM if they wanted to make a patch.

So you are saying that one should use the "refinement" branch in order
to get the latest "Coot"?

The build-it script builds a tar file that is generated from the refinement branch.

PS: finding out how to get hold of the latest Coot version and
     how to build it starts feeling a bit like playing Cluedo ...

:-( I can imagine. I have a lot on my plate and making binaries for other people is a time consuming task (I'm sure that you can appreciate that - and working remotely makes it more time consuming still) that is completely invisible. So it doesn't get done as much as you (or I) would like.



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