On 19/11/2020 02:54, 任祥乐 wrote:
Dear Coot team,
I am refining a coordinate using Coot software, and molecules with three-letter codes of KCR and LBZ need to be imported into Coot. I could normally search for LBZ molecule, but it did not work to KCR molecule (see the attachment). Could you please help me to solve this problem?

Download KCR.cif from your favourite wwPDB site. Feed that to Acedrg. I don't know if input from mmCIF has made it to the current ccp4i2, so you may need to use the command line to do it. That will give you a restraints .cif file which you can then feed into Coot - either automatically if you can use ccp4i2 or using File -> Import cif dictionary in Coot
Then you are fully equiped to do ligandy things with your KCR.
But then again, may be with an updated version of WinCoot, Get Monomer KCR will 
just work.


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