On Mon, 2021-05-03 at 17:49 +0200, Victor Tobiasson wrote:
> Has anyone else encountered a refinement/regularisation issue in coot where 
> refinement produces a phi NaN? It seems to
> be fairly new and specific to 0.9.5 and will completely freeze the coot 
> process. Unfortunately the only info I can
> give is that it seems to be stochastic but rather uncommon and model/map 
> independent. While frozen coot uses very
> little resources and responds to a SIGTERM command. 
> Best,
> Victor
> Coot version:
> 0.9.5 (revision-count 10365)
> [with guile 1.8.8 embedded]
> [with python 2.7.18 embedded]
> Builder_info: build-host: ubuntu1604 on: Tue 16 Mar 0116.02 EDT 2021 by paule
> Binary type: Linux-x86_64-ubuntu-16.04.6-python-gtk2
> Final terminal output before freezing:
> (0) " CD2"/1/chainid="Ao"/8/PHE,  occ: 1.000 with B-factor: 30.000 element: " 
> C" at (307.355,222.991,262.787) : 0.402
> addition of target position restraints: pre and post sizes: 5750 5751
> WARNING: observed torsion phi is a NAN!
>          debug-info: nan/nan
>          debug-info: atom indices: 3

Hi Victor,

I have noticed this from time to time (rarely). It seems to be a result of the 
one of the 3 bonds involved in a torsion
having a length of zero. I don't know how that could happen and it's tricky to 
track down (although I hope to one day).
The problem goes away when I reduce the weight on the torsions or Ramachandran 




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