On 24/05/2022 15:52, Omid Haji-Ghassemi wrote:

Hi Paul,

Thank you so much for the quick reply. I am  Be wonderful if this could get added to coot 1.0 also. I also have some additional questions/suggestions, though I am not sure how much time this will take to implement some of my suggestions.

 1. I tried running the script, but I get an error:

File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

File "C:/Work/IpT/Cryosparc/HOLE/April_2022/Local/coot_hole.py", line 4, in <module>

   with open(fn) as f:

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'hole-surface-dots.dat'

The script represents hole-surface-dots.dat. You need to have created that file first.

I placed the 'hole-surface-dots.dat' in the project folder as well as the coot folder, but I get the same error?

Do I need to modify the script to specify the location of the file? I tried the following:

fn = "C:\XXX\hole-surface-dots.dat" but again I get the same error.

the filename (fn) needs to be in the current working directory - often that is the directory from which you started coot.

 2. Would it be possible to add additional point to improve the
    “guidance” of the path?

Yes, it's possible.

 2. Perhaps as part of a script?

All of Coot's HOLE functions are scriptable.

 2.  Currently the path tends to take less obvious paths because only
    two points along the path can be specified,

It might be that - or it might be a bug. Or maybe the step size is too big.

 2. but I think this can easily be avoided if additional points can be
    specified. This is a problem in my case because I have a
    complicated ion permeation path which is not just a straight line.

indeed - from the figure that I attached, you can see that the algorithm is supposed to handle paths that are not straight lines.


 3. Do I just need to cite coot and HOLE or also additional references
    for the HOLE implementation?

Coot and HOLE would be fine. I don't think that I wrote it up formally (probably because it was largely (just) an implementation of Oliver's paper). I'd like it to carve out the path from a map and add arbitrary map caps - that might be worth a mention.


 4. This is a nit picky one, but it would be great to clear the screen
    for all the previous HOLE plots so I don’t have to reload the pdb
    each time. Again this is probably more of a problem for me where I
    have to run the script multiple time until I get the optimal path.
    Probably not an issue for most.

Isn't this just a matter of undisplaying or closing the previous generic objects?



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