On 24/05/2023 02:13, hari jayaram wrote:

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Hi All
I want to get back to using coot to build some models after a gap of 8 years.

I have access to a Linux laptop and can put any OS version on it.

 I was wondering what the easiest way forward is —get the most recent Ubuntu and pull the latest binary ( with binary for 20.04) or put the iso that coot was built for (20.04) on the laptop and start using it.

The easiest way forward is to use the build from CCP4. They fiddle with it in minor annoying ways. It's robust. It comes with a lot of other stuff. You have to sign a license.

Best way is to use the build-it script. Then you can track day-to-day development. The downside for this is that it often doesn't work out of the box.

Having said that, all development tracking is a bit weird at the moment since there are 3 versions:

 - the 0.9.x series with old GTK and old python and old graphics

 - 1.0 the current release that depends on Gtk3 that doesn't work well on macOS - and maybe not Windows either

 - GTK4 Coot (which is another major rewrite). This is where I am spending my time (that and Moorhen).

I want to get to a stage where GTK4 Coot is the only game in town. But there is a lot of work to do. And additional further work to make sure that it works well on macOS and Windows.

What I can say about future Coots is that they will use your hardware - the more cores and better graphics card you have the more enjoyable/productive will be your Coot-using experience.

Asking because I just  tried using the newest mint distro ( Mint 21.1 Vera) and one of the binaries (coot-Linux-x86_64-scientific-linux-7.6-gtk2-python)  and it runs aground without OpenSSL and  ldap.so versions are being mismatched.

OpenSSL and Python are particularly time-consuming to correctly configure. I don't know how many days and weeks I've spend fiddling with it. Lots. Wretched thing.

When I switched to coot-0.9.8-binary-Linux-x86_64-ubuntu-20.04.4-python-gtk2 then it complained of a version mismatch for libssl.so.1.1

I should make a Linux Mint virtual machine...




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