Hi Markus,

I am using Coot that comes with CCP4 8, which has FUC (alpha-L-Fucose) with an oxygen on C1 in the axial position. Which is the correct form, I believe.

Using Coot, I get my alpha1-6 and alpha1-3 (insect) Fucoses inserted correctly.  I had trouble understanding your description: You mean you get Coot to insert a FUC with the glycosidic bond going equatorial, instead of axial, to Fucose?

This is how it works for me:


I'll see what happens when I update to the new Coot version where Paul has switched the logic.

By the way, privateer tells me I have zero errors and the correct alpha anomer for Fucose.


PDB         Sugar         Q       Phi Theta        Detected type       Cnf    <Bfac>    Ctx  Ok? ----    ------------    ----- ------    ------    -------------------    ---    ------    --- ----- test    NAG-A-911       0.570    280.48 5.29      beta-D-aldopyranose    4c1    47.88    (n)     yes test    FUC-A-913       0.535    92.53 177.32    alpha-L-aldopyranose   1c4    70.76    (n)     yes
Wrong anomer: 0



On 4/18/24 4:35 PM, Markus Meier wrote:
Hi Engin,

hmm, it appears I was using the monomer library from https://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/personal/pemsley/coot/dependencies/monomers-2023-01-02-23:57:29.tar.gz (it gets installed automatically with Coot's build-it script).

However, the files in question (FUC.cif, NAG.cif, BMA.cif and MAN.cif) are identical to current CCP4 8.0.018 version of the library (installed by CCP4 Update Manager) as well as version ccp4-8.0.018 and version ccp4-8.0.016 on GitHub (https://github.com/MonomerLibrary/monomers)

MD5 checksums on these files are
9cfba4ac24f056d648df8227316f788b  monomers/f/FUC.cif
958ac5b19a92ceec604d233457944b2a  monomers/n/NAG.cif
697dd5242334dd99dad9ce43133c6382  monomers/b/BMA.cif
9d68ff54296ef2f4622005efb4eb080b  monomers/m/MAN.cif

If they are different on your machine, please let me know.

I will switch monomer libraries anyway and do some testing.

I also was switching back and forth between my locally compiled coot ( and the the CCP4 distributed version ( EL). I will check if there is a difference between the two.

Thank you very much for your suggestion!

With best regards,

On 2024-04-18 13:48, Engin Özkan wrote:
Caution! This message was sent from outside the University of Manitoba.

Hi Markus,

There were reports to the ccp4bb and phenixbb back in 2011 about
something similar. The monomer library files for FUC and/or the linkage
definitions for refmac/phenix were not right. I think. My recollection
is that this was corrected, and I could not reproduce your observation.

I also had private discussions with Garib Murshudov, who were correcting
the glycan monomer problems back in ~2011.

I could find old links to some of the discussions on bulletin board



I am curious if something got reverted or if you have some ancient
library definitions somewhere. But I hope this gives some ideas.



On 4/17/24 3:07 PM, Markus Meier wrote:
Hi Paul,

thank you for implementing the Glyco module in Coot!

I used its "Add N-linked Glycan" function to build an N-linked glycan
which contains L-fucose with an alpha1-6 glycosidic linkage on the
first N-acetyl glucosamine of the tree.

However, after exporting the tree, I checked it with privateer and
unfortunately privateer flags the L-fucose as having the wrong
anomeric linkage - beta 1-6 :-(
Coot reports the same as being in the alpha 1-6 anomeric form.

I then manually built the opposite anomeric form which privateer
happily accepts as being alpha1-6. However, Coot reports it as beta 1-6.

In my understanding, the alpha configuration of a glycosidic linkage
should have the oxygen at the anomeric centre and the -CH3 group at
opposite faces of the sugar ring, so I have to agree with privateer on
this one.

Please check you code.

I have attached the two glycan trees and here is the output of
privateer and Coot for both. Coot and privateer versions are given at
the bottom.

Btw. Neither privateer nor refmac5 can read the mmCIF files that Coot
produces with the "Extract this Tree" functions. All the
_atom_site.label_*_id entries are empty!


    Detailed validation data

    PDB       Sugar       Q     Phi    Theta      Detected type
Cnf  <Bfac>  Ctx   Ok?
    ----  ------------  -----  ------  ------ -------------------
---  ------  ---  -----
    N133  NAG-A-459     0.597   63.27    2.85 beta-D-aldopyranose
4c1  28.09   (n)  yes
    N133  NAG-A-460     0.603  145.39    2.15 beta-D-aldopyranose
4c1  36.34   (n)  yes
    N133  BMA-A-461     0.550  333.80    4.39 beta-D-aldopyranose
4c1  45.25   (n)  yes
    N133  MAN-A-462     0.628    6.26    5.03 alpha-D-aldopyranose
4c1  46.22   (n)  yes
    N133  MAN-A-463     0.628    4.87    5.87 alpha-D-aldopyranose
4c1  50.37   (n)  yes
    N133  FUC-A-464     0.615  162.25  174.51 alpha-L-aldopyranose
1c4  31.24   (n)  yes <-

    Partially occupied monosaccharides, if any, are marked with an
asterisk (*)


       Wrong anomer: 0
       Wrong configuration: 0
       Unphysical puckering amplitude: 0
       In higher-energy conformations: 0

       Privateer has identified 0 issues, with 0 of 6 sugars affected.
    Coot output:
    DEBUG:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() number of sorted distances: 1
    #### glyco close: 1.486  A 459  C1   to A 133  ND2
       debug:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() for A 459 NAG,A 133 ASN
returns "pyr-ASN"
    DEBUG:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() number of sorted distances: 4
    #### glyco close: 2.397  A 459  C4   to A 460  C1
    #### glyco close: 2.339  A 459  O4   to A 460  C2
    #### glyco close: 2.318  A 459  O4   to A 460  O5
    #### glyco close: 1.387  A 459  O4   to A 460  C1
       debug:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() for A 459 NAG,A 460 NAG
returns "BETA1-4"
    DEBUG:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() number of sorted distances: 3
    #### glyco close: 2.347  A 460  O4   to A 461  C2
    #### glyco close: 2.346  A 460  O4   to A 461  O5
    #### glyco close: 1.398  A 460  O4   to A 461  C1
       debug:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() for A 460 NAG,A 461 BMA
returns "BETA1-4"
    DEBUG:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() number of sorted distances: 1
    #### glyco close: 1.407  A 461  O6   to A 462  C1
       debug:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() for A 461 BMA,A 462 MAN
returns "ALPHA1-6"
    DEBUG:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() number of sorted distances: 1
    #### glyco close: 1.403  A 461  O3   to A 463  C1
       debug:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() for A 461 BMA,A 463 MAN
returns "ALPHA1-3"
    DEBUG:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() number of sorted distances: 2
    #### glyco close: 2.385  A 459  O6   to A 464  O5
    #### glyco close: 1.399  A 459  O6   to A 464  C1
       debug:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() for A 459 NAG,A 464 FUC
returns "BETA1-6" <-



    Detailed validation data

    PDB       Sugar       Q     Phi    Theta      Detected type
Cnf  <Bfac>  Ctx   Ok?
    ----  ------------  -----  ------  ------ -------------------
---  ------  ---  -----
    N133  NAG-A-459     0.539   93.90   14.28 beta-D-aldopyranose
4c1  17.31  (n)   yes
    N133  NAG-A-460     0.576    3.57    3.48 beta-D-aldopyranose
4c1  28.29  (n)   yes
    N133  BMA-A-461     0.534  312.39    9.79 beta-D-aldopyranose
4c1  42.24  (n)   yes
    N133  MAN-A-462     0.580  219.67    4.19 alpha-D-aldopyranose
4c1  42.02  (n)   yes
    N133  MAN-A-463     0.563  294.23    4.86 alpha-D-aldopyranose
4c1  47.39  (n)   yes
    N133  FUC-A-464     0.542  120.60  172.19 beta-L-aldopyranose
1c4  18.87  (n)   no <-

    Partially occupied monosaccharides, if any, are marked with an
asterisk (*)


       Wrong anomer: 1
       Wrong configuration: 0
       Unphysical puckering amplitude: 0
       In higher-energy conformations: 0

       Privateer has identified 1 issues, with 1 of 6 sugars affected.

    DEBUG:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() number of sorted distances: 1
    #### glyco close: 1.462  A 459  C1   to A 133  ND2
       debug:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() for A 459 NAG,A 133 ASN
returns "pyr-ASN"
    DEBUG:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() number of sorted distances: 4
    #### glyco close: 2.355  A 459  C4   to A 460  C1
    #### glyco close: 2.316  A 459  O4   to A 460  O5
    #### glyco close: 2.313  A 459  O4   to A 460  C2
    #### glyco close: 1.387  A 459  O4   to A 460  C1
       debug:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() for A 459 NAG,A 460 NAG
returns "BETA1-4"
    DEBUG:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() number of sorted distances: 3
    #### glyco close: 2.37  A 460  O4   to A 461  C2
    #### glyco close: 2.344  A 460  O4   to A 461  O5
    #### glyco close: 1.401  A 460  O4   to A 461  C1
       debug:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() for A 460 NAG,A 461 BMA
returns "BETA1-4"
    DEBUG:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() number of sorted distances: 1
    #### glyco close: 1.408  A 461  O6   to A 462  C1
       debug:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() for A 461 BMA,A 462 MAN
returns "ALPHA1-6"
    DEBUG:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() number of sorted distances: 3
    #### glyco close: 2.39  A 461  C3   to A 463  C1
    #### glyco close: 2.389  A 461  O3   to A 463  C2
    #### glyco close: 1.398  A 461  O3   to A 463  C1
       debug:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() for A 461 BMA,A 463 MAN
returns "ALPHA1-3"
    DEBUG:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() number of sorted distances: 1
    #### glyco close: 1.414  A 459  O6   to A 464  C1
       debug:: find_glycosidic_linkage_type() for A 459 NAG,A 464 FUC
returns "ALPHA1-6" <-

Program versions:
Coot EL (ccp4) on Gentoo Linux 64 bit
Privateer version MKIV : 06/02/2 CCP4 8.0.019 on Gentoo Linux 64 bit

With best regards,

Engin Özkan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dept of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Chicago

Engin Özkan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dept of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Chicago
Phone: (773) 834-5498


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