On 26/07/2024 16:44, Fernández-Leiro.Rafael wrote:


Dear all,

I am having trouble running prosmart on the mac version (1.1.10 and previous version).

Running any option from the “restraints” menu gives an error:


/in generate_self_restraint_func() 6 A 3.7/

/----------- extra restraints ---------/

/     0/


/DEBUG:: --- new_startup_on_glarea_resize() 1929 1087/


/Traceback (most recent call last):/

/  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python@3.12/3.12.4/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/coot/gui_prosmart.py", line 140, in <lambda>/

/lambda _simple_action, _arg: generate_all_molecule_self_restraints(6.0))/


/  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python@3.12/3.12.4/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/coot/gui_prosmart.py", line 81, in generate_all_molecule_self_restraints/

/generate_self_restraints(aa_imol, val)/


/NameError: name 'generate_self_restraints' is not defined/


Oh that's annoying.

Change line 89 of gui_prosmart.py to read

        coot.generate_self_restraints(aa_imol, val)

(i.e. add a "coot." to the front of the line)

Using Prosmart shows a pop-up window that says “No prosmart”

It needs to be in your path. Coot does not bundle ProSMART.

Should Prosmart be installed separately?

Yes - typically as part of CCP4. At least for the moment.

(I used the brew install approach, which btw works fantastic)

Yes, it does:

("brew install brewsci/bio/coot" for the record).

Well done Yoshitaka Moriwaki.



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