Hi Miroslav,

As usual, new Copr release is really better than previous release, and as usual I'm really sorry to point out some slight regression.

So, there is a little but annoying bug with the Build ID order : 99999 is evaluated as superior as 100000. This may also affect the Last build package information which isn't correct now.


Le 15/10/2015 11:33, Miroslav Suchý a écrit :
It is my pleasure to announce new version of Copr.

What's new? Group projects!

When you log in. You can see in right column link "My Groups". There you can 
see list of your FAS groups and you can
activate them. In fact, you actually create alias for them. E.g. FAS group "gitmock" can 
be named "mock" in Copr.
You can click on Copr group in right column. That navigate you to url in format:


Where are listed all projects of this group. And you can create new group 
project there too.
Every member of that FAS group can administer it and build there. Due to the 
OpenID limitations, you have to
log-out/log-in to see your groups (or whenever you join new group in FAS).

Since copr-cli-1.45 (in updates-testing right now) you can submit package to 
group project like:
   copr-cli build @GROUP/PROJECT
   copr-cli build @mock/mock-dev

Creation of group project is not possible from command line right now due 
OpenID restriction and you have to use WebUI.
This may change in near future.

There is no API method in APIv1. But we provide APIv2
which has methods to manipulate with groups.

To create new group in FAS, just follow:

If you have some personal project and you want to change it to group project, 
then please let me know and we change it

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