On 6/21/23 05:32 PM, Steven A. Falco wrote:
Hi - For a while the following project has been building fine:  

In the last few days, the automatic builds have been failing very early, 
without too much useful information.  However, manual builds that I trigger 
from my own ID work fine.

Is there a way I can get more information on what is going wrong?  I see a link 
in the builder-live.log.gz, but I'm not able to use that link.  The following 
command gives me a 404, perhaps because the build was triggered by another 
member of the project:

/usr/bin/copr-rpmbuild --verbose --drop-resultdir --srpm --task-url 


Network error: Request client error on 
https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/tmp/tmpf1cg4teq/kicad-testing.spec: 404 NOT 


Please disregard.  I think our automatic tools were missing a dependency.  
Sorry for the noise.


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