I've been using Gnome Shell on my desktop since it came out, absolutely love

Just curious but what x86 tablet are you using it with?

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 4:37 AM, Louis Tim Larsen <lo...@louis.dk> wrote:

>  Den 30-09-2011 08:43, Massimiliano Goriup skrev:
> Looks like Meeo is really dead therefore Tizen will be our only chance I
> think.
> And if we're looking for other distros, what about Kubuntu mobile?
> I'm playing with the new Gnome Shell 3.2 on a x86 tablet and after they
> introduced a pretty good intergraded virtual keyboard I must say that Gnome
> Shell just rocks on tablets!
>  --
> Massimiliano Goriup
> On ven 30 set 2011 02:13:20 CEST, Burt DeFrancesco <1evilro...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I was just wondering if Cordia will use the Tizen Kernel (www.tizen.org)
> > when it becomes available? Seeing as how MeeGo has been merged with
> > LiMo. Or are other options being considered like maybe packaging the
> > Cordia UI for use in other distros like Archlinux ARM?
> >
> --
> Mvh. Louis
> Hjemmeside: www.louis.dk
> Mail: lo...@louis.dk
> MSN: lo...@louis.dk
> Jabber: lo...@jabber.dk

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