Doug Lea said the following on 05/22/09 21:56:
Sorry; I should have been clearer about why
  c.toArray(new Object[c.size()])
is subtly wrong here. ArrayList.size must equal
the number of elements, which might be different
than the array size. If c's size shrinks at an
inconvenient moment during the call, then we might
think that the trailing null, that toArray(T[] a)
is required to append if a is too big, is actually a
(null) element of the collection.

Ah I see.

I'm thinking though that I'd find this hack more aesthetically pleasing:

  static final Object[] ZERO_ARRAY = new Object[0];
  elementData = c.toArray(ZERO_ARRAY);

this deals with the size issue, gets the right type and only creates one array (asuming the collection doesn't concurrently grow).


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