Attached is an UPDATED patch for bug 4837946, (and others) for
implementing asymptotically faster algorithms for multiplication of
large numbers in the BigInteger class (which also improves the
performance of large numbers BigDecimal, etc.)

   This patch slightly modifies the patch I sent before, primarily by
removing an unused method that I let slip through when editing the patch
file.  It also adds comments and links to further information about the
algorithms, and in one place renames a variable in one of my functions
for pedagogical correctness.  It also slightly changes a signum test to
follow the new convention set elsewhere by Xiaobin Lu, which will be
slightly more efficient.

   This patch supersedes any others.  As always, if you just want to
drop in my whole BigInteger class with other proposed fixes for pow(),
it's available at:

   I'd also like to put out a call for volunteers to help Sun review
this patch and get it into JDK 1.7.  The Karatsuba and Toom-Cook
multiplication algorithms are well-understood and straightforward, and
have been written in as simple and direct way as possible, building on
existing methods in Java.  If you are able to review this patch, please
contact me.  Thanks!  From all the e-mails I get, I know this is very
important to a lot of people.

Alan Eliasen wrote:
>   Attached is an UPDATED patch for bug 4837946, (and others) for
> implementing asymptotically faster algorithms for multiplication of
> large numbers in the BigInteger class:
>    This also affects other bugs:
> 4228681:  Some BigInteger operations are slow with very large numbers
>    (This was closed but never fixed.)
> 4837946: Implement Karatsuba multiplication algorithm in BigInteger
>     This is done, along with Toom-Cook multiplication.  My
> implementation is intended to be easy to read, understand, and check.
> It significantly improves multiplication performance for large numbers.
> This bug will be able to be closed with this patch.
>    This patch now also implements 3-way Toom-Cook multiplication and
> 3-way Toom-Cook squaring in addition to the Karatsuba squaring.  3-way
> Toom-Cook multiplication has an asymptotic efficiency of O(n^1.465),
> compared to O(n^1.585) for Karatsuba and O(n^2) for the "grade-school"
> algorithm, making it significantly faster for very large numbers.
>    This patch is almost identical to the ones posted earlier, but I've
> merged Xiaobin Lu's recent changes to BigInteger with my code.  The
> other change was removing an unnecessary carry check from the
> exactDivideBy3 routine.
>    I have again run tuning tests with Xiaobin's changes (no changes were
> made to the thresholds as a result; the previous combinations worked
> well.)
>    This has been extensively tested.  My regression tests are probably
> significant overkill for Sun's purposes.  They take about 30 hours to
> run and produce about 232 gigabytes of output.  (Multiply each of those
> numbers by 2 because you have to run it twice to compare the outputs of
> different VMs, and then compare output.)
>    This patch contains only multiplication- and squaring-related
> patches.  I will be submitting another patch of my changes to make the
> pow() function very much faster, but that will be a separate patch.  Sun
> has requested patches as small as possible.
>    I will also have patches for pow() (see
> ) and for
> toString ( )
> once these are approved and I'm informed that I'm working in the right
> direction.
>    This patch now also implements 3-way Toom-Cook multiplication and
> 3-way Toom-Cook squaring in addition to the Karatsuba squaring.  3-way
> Toom-Cook multiplication has an asymptotic efficiency of O(n^1.465),
> compared to O(n^1.585) for Karatsuba and O(n^2) for the "grade-school"
> algorithm, making it significantly faster for very large numbers.
>    For those who'd rather just replace their BigInteger with my much
> faster version, that also contains my patches for pow(), it's available at:
>    These patches are designed to be as easy to read as possible, and are
> implemented in terms of already-existing methods in BigInteger.  Some
> more performance might be squeezed out of them by doing more low-level
> bit-fiddling, but I wanted to get a working version in and tested.

  Alan Eliasen

diff --git a/src/share/classes/java/math/ 
--- a/src/share/classes/java/math/
+++ b/src/share/classes/java/math/
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
  * @see     BigDecimal
  * @author  Josh Bloch
  * @author  Michael McCloskey
+ * @author  Alan Eliasen
  * @since JDK1.1
@@ -173,6 +174,38 @@
     final static long LONG_MASK = 0xffffffffL;
+    /** 
+     * The threshold value for using Karatsuba multiplication.  If the number
+     * of ints in both mag arrays are greater than this number, then
+     * Karatsuba multiplication will be used.   This value is found
+     * experimentally to work well. 
+     */
+    private static final int KARATSUBA_THRESHOLD = 50;
+    /** 
+     * The threshold value for using 3-way Toom-Cook multiplication.  
+     * If the number of ints in both mag arrays are greater than this number,
+     * then Toom-Cook multiplication will be used.   This value is found
+     * experimentally to work well. 
+     */
+    private static final int TOOM_COOK_THRESHOLD = 75;
+    /** 
+     * The threshold value for using Karatsuba squaring.  If the number
+     * of ints in the number are larger than this value,
+     * Karatsuba squaring will be used.   This value is found
+     * experimentally to work well. 
+     */
+    private static final int KARATSUBA_SQUARE_THRESHOLD = 90;
+    /** 
+     * The threshold value for using Toom-Cook squaring.  If the number
+     * of ints in the number are larger than this value,
+     * Karatsuba squaring will be used.   This value is found
+     * experimentally to work well. 
+     */
+    private static final int TOOM_COOK_SQUARE_THRESHOLD = 140;
@@ -533,7 +566,8 @@
         if (bitLength < 2)
             throw new ArithmeticException("bitLength < 2");
         // The cutoff of 95 was chosen empirically for best performance
-        prime = (bitLength < 95 ? smallPrime(bitLength, certainty, rnd)
+        prime = (bitLength < SMALL_PRIME_THRESHOLD 
+                                ? smallPrime(bitLength, certainty, rnd)
                                 : largePrime(bitLength, certainty, rnd));
         signum = 1;
         mag = prime.mag;
@@ -1025,6 +1059,11 @@
     private static final BigInteger TWO = valueOf(2);
+     * The BigInteger constant -1.  (Not exported.)
+     */
+    private static final BigInteger NEGATIVE_ONE = valueOf(-1);
+    /**
      * The BigInteger constant ten.
      * @since   1.5
@@ -1166,10 +1205,21 @@
         if (val.signum == 0 || signum == 0)
             return ZERO;
-        int[] result = multiplyToLen(mag, mag.length,
-                                     val.mag, val.mag.length, null);
-        result = trustedStripLeadingZeroInts(result);
-        return new BigInteger(result, signum == val.signum ? 1 : -1);
+       int xlen = mag.length;
+       int ylen = val.mag.length;
+       if ((xlen < KARATSUBA_THRESHOLD) || (ylen < KARATSUBA_THRESHOLD))
+       {
+           int[] result = multiplyToLen(mag, xlen,
+                                        val.mag, ylen, null);
+           result = trustedStripLeadingZeroInts(result);
+           return new BigInteger(result, signum == val.signum ? 1 : -1);
+       }
+       else
+           if ((xlen < TOOM_COOK_THRESHOLD) && (ylen < TOOM_COOK_THRESHOLD))
+               return multiplyKaratsuba(this, val);
+           else
+               return multiplyToomCook3(this, val);
@@ -1249,6 +1299,266 @@
+     * Multiplies two BigIntegers using the Karatsuba multiplication
+     * algorithm.  This is a recursive divide-and-conquer algorithm which is
+     * more efficient for large numbers than what is commonly called the
+     * "grade-school" algorithm used in multiplyToLen.  If the numbers to be
+     * multiplied have length n, the "grade-school" algorithm has an
+     * asymptotic complexity of O(n^2).  In contrast, the Karatsuba algorithm
+     * has complexity of O(n^(log2(3))), or O(n^1.585).  It achieves this
+     * increased performance by doing 3 multiplies instead of 4 when
+     * evaluating the product.  As it has some overhead, should be used when
+     * both numbers are larger than a certain threshold (found
+     * experimentally).
+     *
+     * See:
+     */
+    private static BigInteger multiplyKaratsuba(BigInteger x, BigInteger y)
+    {
+        int xlen = x.mag.length;
+        int ylen = y.mag.length;
+        // The number of ints in each half of the number.
+        int half = (Math.max(xlen, ylen)+1) / 2;
+        // xl and yl are the lower halves of x and y respectively,
+        // xh and yh are the upper halves.
+        BigInteger xl = x.getLower(half);
+        BigInteger xh = x.getUpper(half);
+        BigInteger yl = y.getLower(half);
+        BigInteger yh = y.getUpper(half);
+        BigInteger p1 = xh.multiply(yh);  // p1 = xh*yh
+        BigInteger p2 = xl.multiply(yl);  // p2 = xl*yl
+        // p3=(xh+xl)*(yh+yl)
+        BigInteger p3 = xh.add(xl).multiply(yh.add(yl));
+        // result = p1 * 2^(32*2*half) + (p3 - p1 - p2) * 2^(32*half) + p2
+        BigInteger result = 
+        if (x.signum != y.signum)
+            return result.negate();
+        else
+            return result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Multiplies two BigIntegers using a 3-way Toom-Cook multiplication
+     * algorithm.  This is a recursive divide-and-conquer algorithm which is
+     * more efficient for large numbers than what is commonly called the
+     * "grade-school" algorithm used in multiplyToLen.  If the numbers to be
+     * multiplied have length n, the "grade-school" algorithm has an
+     * asymptotic complexity of O(n^2).  In contrast, 3-way Toom-Cook has a
+     * complexity of about O(n^1.465).  It achieves this increased asymptotic
+     * performance by breaking each number into three parts and by doing 5
+     * multiplies instead of 9 when evaluating the product.  Due to overhead
+     * (additions, shifts, and one division) in the Toom-Cook algorithm, it
+     * should only be used when both numbers are larger than a certain
+     * threshold (found experimentally).  This threshold is generally larger
+     * than that for Karatsuba multiplication, so this algorithm is generally
+     * only used when numbers become significantly larger.
+     *
+     * The algorithm used is the "optimal" 3-way Toom-Cook algorithm outlined
+     * by Marco Bodrato.
+     *
+     *  See:
+     *
+     *  
+     * "Towards Optimal Toom-Cook Multiplication for Univariate and
+     * Multivariate Polynomials in Characteristic 2 and 0." by Marco BODRATO;
+     * In C.Carlet and B.Sunar, Eds., "WAIFI'07 proceedings", p. 116-133,
+     * LNCS #4547. Springer, Madrid, Spain, June 21-22, 2007.
+     *
+     */
+    private static BigInteger multiplyToomCook3(BigInteger a, BigInteger b)
+    {
+        int alen = a.mag.length;
+        int blen = b.mag.length;
+        int largest = Math.max(alen, blen);
+        // k is the size (in ints) of the lower-order slices.
+        int k = (largest+2)/3;   // Equal to ceil(largest/3)
+        // r is the size (in ints) of the highest-order slice.
+        int r = largest - 2*k;
+        // Obtain slices of the numbers. a2 and b2 are the most significant
+        // bits of the numbers a and b, and a0 and b0 the least significant.
+        BigInteger a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2;
+        a2 = a.getToomSlice(k, r, 0, largest);
+        a1 = a.getToomSlice(k, r, 1, largest);
+        a0 = a.getToomSlice(k, r, 2, largest);
+        b2 = b.getToomSlice(k, r, 0, largest);
+        b1 = b.getToomSlice(k, r, 1, largest);
+        b0 = b.getToomSlice(k, r, 2, largest);
+        BigInteger v0, v1, v2, vm1, vinf, t1, t2, tm1, da1, db1;
+        v0 = a0.multiply(b0);
+        da1 = a2.add(a0);
+        db1 = b2.add(b0);
+        vm1 = da1.subtract(a1).multiply(db1.subtract(b1));
+        da1 = da1.add(a1);
+        db1 = db1.add(b1);
+        v1 = da1.multiply(db1);
+        v2 = da1.add(a2).shiftLeft(1).subtract(a0).multiply(
+             db1.add(b2).shiftLeft(1).subtract(b0));
+        vinf = a2.multiply(b2);
+        /* The algorithm requires two divisions by 2 and one by 3.
+           All divisions are known to be exact, that is, they do not produce
+           remainders, and all results are positive.  The divisions by 2 are
+           implemented as right shifts which are relatively efficient, leaving
+           only an exact division by 3, which is done by a specialized
+           linear-time algorithm. */
+        t2 = v2.subtract(vm1).exactDivideBy3();
+        tm1 = v1.subtract(vm1).shiftRight(1);
+        t1 = v1.subtract(v0);
+        t2 = t2.subtract(t1).shiftRight(1);
+        t1 = t1.subtract(tm1).subtract(vinf);
+        t2 = t2.subtract(vinf.shiftLeft(1));
+        tm1 = tm1.subtract(t2);
+        // Number of bits to shift left.
+        int ss = k*32;
+        BigInteger result = 
+        if (a.signum != b.signum)
+            return result.negate();
+        else
+            return result;
+    }
+    /** Returns a slice of a BigInteger for use in Toom-Cook multiplication.
+        @param lowerSize The size of the lower-order bit slices.
+        @param upperSize The size of the higher-order bit slices.
+        @param slice The index of which slice is requested, which must be a
+            number from 0 to size-1.  Slice 0 is the highest-order bits, 
+            and slice size-1 are the lowest-order bits.  
+            Slice 0 may be of different size than the other slices.
+        @param fullsize The size of the larger integer array, used to align
+            slices to the appropriate position when multiplying different-sized
+            numbers.
+    */
+    private BigInteger getToomSlice(int lowerSize, int upperSize, int slice,
+                                    int fullsize)
+    {
+        int start, end, sliceSize, len, offset;
+        len = mag.length;
+        offset = fullsize - len;
+        if (slice == 0)
+        {
+            start = 0 - offset;
+            end = upperSize - 1 - offset;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            start = upperSize + (slice-1)*lowerSize - offset;
+            end = start + lowerSize - 1;
+        }
+        if (start < 0)
+            start = 0;
+        if (end < 0)
+           return ZERO;
+        sliceSize = (end-start) + 1;
+        if (sliceSize <= 0)
+            return ZERO;
+        // While performing Toom-Cook, all slices are positive and
+        // the sign is adjusted when the final number is composed.
+        if (start==0 && sliceSize >= len)
+            return this.abs();
+        int intSlice[] = new int[sliceSize];
+        System.arraycopy(mag, start, intSlice, 0, sliceSize);
+        return new BigInteger(trustedStripLeadingZeroInts(intSlice), 1);
+    }
+    /** Does an exact division (that is, the remainder is known to be zero)
+        of the specified number by 3.  This is used in Toom-Cook
+        multiplication.  This is an efficient algorithm that runs in linear
+        time.  If the argument is not exactly divisible by 3, results are
+        undefined.  Note that this is expected to be called with positive
+        arguments only. */
+    private BigInteger exactDivideBy3()
+    {
+        int len = mag.length;
+        int[] result = new int[len];
+        long x, w, q, borrow;
+        borrow = 0L;
+        for (int i=len-1; i>=0; i--)
+        {
+           x = (mag[i] & LONG_MASK);
+           w = x - borrow;
+           if (borrow > x)       // Did we make the number go negative?
+              borrow = 1L;
+           else
+              borrow = 0L;
+           // 0xAAAAAAAB is the modular inverse of 3 (mod 2^32).  Thus,
+           // the effect of this is to divide by 3 (mod 2^32).
+           // This is much faster than division on most architectures.
+           q = (w * 0xAAAAAAABL) & LONG_MASK;
+           result[i] = (int) q;
+           // Now check the borrow. The second check can of course be
+           // eliminated if the first fails.
+           if (q >= 0x55555556L)
+           {
+              borrow++;
+              if (q >= 0xAAAAAAABL)
+                 borrow++;
+           }
+        }
+        result = trustedStripLeadingZeroInts(result);
+        return new BigInteger(result, signum);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a new BigInteger representing n lower ints of the number.
+     * This is used by Karatsuba multiplication and squaring.
+     */
+    private BigInteger getLower(int n) {
+        int len = mag.length;
+        if (len <= n)
+            return this;
+        int lowerInts[] = new int[n];
+        System.arraycopy(mag, len-n, lowerInts, 0, n);
+        return new BigInteger(trustedStripLeadingZeroInts(lowerInts), 1);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a new BigInteger representing mag.length-n upper 
+     * ints of the number.  This is used by Karatsuba multiplication and 
+     * squaring.
+     */
+    private BigInteger getUpper(int n) {
+        int len = mag.length;
+        if (len <= n)
+            return ZERO;
+        int upperLen = len - n;
+        int upperInts[] = new int[upperLen];
+        System.arraycopy(mag, 0, upperInts, 0, upperLen);
+        return new BigInteger(trustedStripLeadingZeroInts(upperInts), 1);
+    }
+    /**
      * Returns a BigInteger whose value is {...@code (this<sup>2</sup>)}.
      * @return {...@code this<sup>2</sup>}
@@ -1256,8 +1566,18 @@
     private BigInteger square() {
         if (signum == 0)
             return ZERO;
-        int[] z = squareToLen(mag, mag.length, null);
-        return new BigInteger(trustedStripLeadingZeroInts(z), 1);
+        int len = mag.length;
+        {
+            int[] z = squareToLen(mag, len, null);
+            return new BigInteger(trustedStripLeadingZeroInts(z), 1);
+        }
+        else
+            if (len < TOOM_COOK_SQUARE_THRESHOLD)
+                 return squareKaratsuba();
+            else
+                 return squareToomCook3();
@@ -1328,6 +1648,81 @@
+     * Squares a BigInteger using the Karatsuba squaring algorithm.  It should
+     * be used when both numbers are larger than a certain threshold (found
+     * experimentally).  It is a recursive divide-and-conquer algorithm that
+     * has better asymptotic performance than the algorithm used in
+     * squareToLen.
+     */
+    private BigInteger squareKaratsuba()
+    {
+        int half = (mag.length+1) / 2;
+        BigInteger xl = getLower(half);
+        BigInteger xh = getUpper(half);
+        BigInteger xhs = xh.square();  // xhs = xh^2
+        BigInteger xls = xl.square();  // xls = xl^2
+        // xh^2 << 64  +  (((xl+xh)^2 - (xh^2 + xl^2)) << 32) + xl^2
+        return 
+    }
+    /**
+     * Squares a BigInteger using the 3-way Toom-Cook squaring algorithm.  It
+     * should be used when both numbers are larger than a certain threshold
+     * (found experimentally).  It is a recursive divide-and-conquer algorithm
+     * that has better asymptotic performance than the algorithm used in
+     * squareToLen or squareKaratsuba.
+     */
+    private BigInteger squareToomCook3()
+    {
+        int len = mag.length;
+        // k is the size (in ints) of the lower-order slices.
+        int k = (len+2)/3;   // Equal to ceil(largest/3)
+        // r is the size (in ints) of the highest-order slice.
+        int r = len - 2*k;
+        // Obtain slices of the numbers. a2 is the most significant
+        // bits of the number, and a0 the least significant.
+        BigInteger a0, a1, a2;
+        a2 = getToomSlice(k, r, 0, len);
+        a1 = getToomSlice(k, r, 1, len);
+        a0 = getToomSlice(k, r, 2, len);
+        BigInteger v0, v1, v2, vm1, vinf, t1, t2, tm1, da1;
+        v0 = a0.square();
+        da1 = a2.add(a0);
+        vm1 = da1.subtract(a1).square();
+        da1 = da1.add(a1);
+        v1 = da1.square();
+        vinf = a2.square();
+        v2 = da1.add(a2).shiftLeft(1).subtract(a0).square();
+        /* The algorithm requires two divisions by 2 and one by 3.
+           All divisions are known to be exact, that is, they do not produce
+           remainders, and all results are positive.  The divisions by 2 are
+           implemented as right shifts which are relatively efficient, leaving
+           only a division by 3.
+           The division by 3 is done by an optimized algorithm for this case.
+        */
+        t2 = v2.subtract(vm1).exactDivideBy3();
+        tm1 = v1.subtract(vm1).shiftRight(1);
+        t1 = v1.subtract(v0);
+        t2 = t2.subtract(t1).shiftRight(1);
+        t1 = t1.subtract(tm1).subtract(vinf);
+        t2 = t2.subtract(vinf.shiftLeft(1));
+        tm1 = tm1.subtract(t2);
+        // Number of bits to shift left.
+        int ss = k*32;
+        return 
+    }
+    /**
      * Returns a BigInteger whose value is {...@code (this / val)}.
      * @param  val value by which this BigInteger is to be divided.

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