Joe Darcy wrote:
Martin Buchholz wrote:
On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 17:34, Joe Darcy<> wrote:
Martin Buchholz wrote:
Google would like to contribute implementations of the methods below.
Here's a webrev:

Wherever these compare methods go, into the N wrapper classes or into

Given the precedent of,double) and,float), I think the compare methods need
to go into the primitive wrapper classes.

 I think the instance method compareTo should be rewritten
in terms of the new static compare.  In particular,

422     public int compareTo(Short anotherShort) {
423         return this.value - anotherShort.value;
424     }

should get replaced with

422     public int compareTo(Short anotherShort) {
423         return compare(this.value, anotherShort.value);
424     }

As you wish.

Webrev updated.

I approve these changes in an engineering sense; they are a fix for bug

6582946 Add suite of compare(T, T) methods for ints, longs etc

This consolidates the comparison logic in a single method per type and
reuses the existing implementation tests.

(Later in JDK 7, a set of "unsignedCompare" methods are possible additions
to the platform too.)

We have tests (not yet included) but they would need to be jtreg-ified.
Is there any junit support yet for jtreg?


Once the home of the new methods is determined, I'll file a ccc request so
these changes can go back after any additional testing is settled.

There's not a whole lot of testing work here, but we will provide it if
it CCC is approved.

I've created a ccc for this and will let you know when it is approved.



The paperwork has been handled; I approve your set of compare methods going back.



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