Am 02.02.2010 18:47, schrieb Rémi Forax:
Le 02/02/2010 17:26, Ulf Zibis a écrit :
Am 02.02.2010 14:30, schrieb Rémi Forax:
Le 02/02/2010 14:09, Ulf Zibis a écrit :

in most cases you use the empty diamond operator '<>' on instantiation, but not for SoftReference: "new SoftReference<Charset>(cs)" in

SoftReference constructor is SoftReference(T), so there is two ways to infer the type argument.

With this code:
SoftReference<Charset> ref = new SoftReference<>(cs);
the type argument can be infered from the lhs of the assignation or
by the declared type of the parameter (here cs).

So you agree with me, that new SoftReference<>(cs) would suffice ???

The code is:

cache.put(csn, new SoftReference<Charset>(cs));

It will not compile, because Object will be infered.
Diamond doesn't take care about method's parameter types

1. Why ? (IMO would be resonable)
2. Didn't you say, type argument can be infered by the declared type of the parameter (here cs) ?


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