On 8/3/2011 10:51 AM, Dr Andrew John Hughes wrote:
On 09:24 Wed 03 Aug     , Joe Darcy wrote:
On 8/3/2011 12:42 AM, David Holmes wrote:
Alexandre Boulgakov said the following on 08/03/11 04:44:
On 8/2/2011 2:19 AM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
3017 Vector<Object>   temp = (Vector)extractURLs(res.errorMessage);
     You may not need the conversion any more, the return value of
extractURLs() has been updated to
     2564     private static Vector<String>   extractURLs(String
The cast is needed to go from Vector<String>  to Vector<Object>.
Raw types should be avoided (here and elsewhere there are casts to raw
Vector). I'm surprised (generics continue to surprise me) that despite
all our advances in type-inference etc that the compiler can not tell
that a Vector<T>  is-a Vector<Object>. :(
That is because in general a Vector<T>  is not a Vector<Object>  because
of the way subtyping works.  As with arrays, it all looks fine until you
want to change the container; consider

Vector<String>  vs = new Vector<>();
Vector<Object>  vo = vs; // Assume this was okay to alias an object
vector and a string vector

vo.add(new Integer(1));  // Add an Integer to a list of strings, boom!

Using wildcards makes the subtyping work along the type argument axis.

Exactly.  What I wondered on reading this is why it needs to be cast to a
Vector<Object>  anyway.  That would only reduce type safety as you say.
The current code uses it to store Strings and Vector<String>s. The most specific common base type is Object, so I don't think we can do any better than that.


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