Am 23.08.2011 14:16, schrieb Sebastian Sickelmann:
Am 22.08.2011 21:19, schrieb Joe Darcy:
Sebastian Sickelmann wrote:
Am 17.08.2011 03:11, schrieb

On 8/14/2011 11:17 PM, Sebastian Sickelmann wrote:

some time ago, i wrote[5] with Joe and David about advancing some exception-types to the 4 standard ctors.

The first Exception i have looked at was InternalError and now(after some struggeling with gnumake and hg) my patches for reviewing are ready.

I uploaded them at [4]

I split the changes into 3 parts.

1. Added 2 ctors to InternalError and VirtualMachineError****[1]
2. Use the two ctors of InternalError****[2] (based on [1])
3. Chain Rootcause into InternalError**[3] (based also on [1])

I think part 1 and 2 are uncritical. Part 3 is more critical because it changes behavior (exception-chaining). But i don't think that part 3 is unimportable, because in case of an InternalError (use should not be able to recover) there shouldn't be a problem with a little longer exception-chain.

Is there someone who what to sponsor this or parts of it?


I am willing to sponsor this work and I've filed bug 7080020 "Add conventional constructors to InternalError" for it.

For adding constructors to InternalError (or VirtualMachineError), the push that adds the constructors should include some usage of them. Therefore, at least portions of 1) and 2) above should be combined. If there are easy to find usages of a cause for VirtualMachineError, then those should be included at the same time any new constructors are added there.
VirtualMachineError is changed because it is the abstract super class of InternalError so use of the VirtualMachineError ctors is inside of the InternalError ctors

There is some currently Oracle-internal paperwork which needs to be filed to make an API change; I'll file that paperwork once there is verification on whether updates to both InternalError and VirtualMachineError will be included in this round of work. The paperwork needs to be approved before the change is pushed and typically takes a few days to be processed.

OK. That much work for just chaining up exceptions.
I am happy that i needn't to do this paperwork. I hope it's virtual paperwork. ;-)

I will post the change in 2 webrevs than.
One for the smaller part (Change of the InternalError itself + some small changes "initCause usage to ctor parameter") And one for the bigger part (Chain all uses of InternalError with the root-cause if any root-cause exists)

i must rebase it again. Will post webrev url at the other thread in short.


The internal API paperwork went through; I've just pushed a changeset with the additional constructors and some usage of them to replace calls to initCause methods:


Thanks for commiting. My email-adress has a typo but that isn't a real problem ;-)

I have rebased my "additional chainings of InternalError" on your commit.

The webrev is:

Reviews are welcome for this too.

- Sebastian
Any change to get an review/sponsorship of this?
Maybe the CR is little bit to big. Should i break it up to several webrevs and discuss with smaller contributor-circles (ex. awt-dev,security-dev,swing-dev)?

-- Sebastian

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