> Remi and I have in the past had differences of opinion on the utility of
> introducing CharSequence versions of such methods.
> One benefit to using a string is that the object is immutable; there are
> no time-of-check-versus-time-of-**use conditions to worry about.  Robust
> code should arguably work sensibly even with mutable CharSequences, and the
> easiest way to ensure that is to call the toString method of a CharSequence
> passed as a parameter.
> -Joe

It isn't typical to require that arguments to a method be immutable, and it
is generally implicit that any arguments to a method that are mutated
during the method's execution result in undefined output (to perhaps
varying degrees). In an imperative object oriented language, attempting to
eliminate any possibility of argument mutability is surely a doomed

I think in this case it is reasonable to leave it to the user to ensure
that the input remains consistent for the duration of the call. It can be
documented if necessary, but as I say I think all imperative methods come
with that caveat by definition. Calling the toString() method as a solution
is really no better than asking the user to do the same, albeit a little
neater; the only reason a CharSequence method would be preferred is that
you can avoid unnecessary object allocation. For a very lightweight method
like parseInt, this can dramatically reduce the impact of making the call.

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