Hi Joe,

If you are gonna fix things to support IPv6 addresses in URLs i really think 
you need to make it work for URLs with international characters too.

On Jul 10, 2012, at 8:50 PM, Joe Wang wrote:
>>  602         if (reader == null) {
>>  603             stream = xmlInputSource.getByteStream();
>>  604             if (stream == null) {
>>  605                 URL location = new 
>> URL(escapeNonUSAscii(expandedSystemId));
>>  606                 URLConnection connect = location.openConnection();
>>  607                 if (!(connect instanceof HttpURLConnection)) {
>>  608                     stream = connect.getInputStream();
>>  609                 }
>> If this is really about supporting non-percent encoded international 
>> characters in the system ID, then you can make a simple fix to support 
>> IPv6-based URLs in general: do not percent encoded *any* ascii characters.
> When encoding an url, aren't reserved characters supposed to be encoded as 
> well?

Your fix does not do that:

2608     protected static String escapeNonUSAscii(String str) {
2609         if (str == null) {
2610             return str;
2611         }
2612         int len = str.length(), i=0, ch;
2613         for (; i < len; i++) {
2614             ch = str.charAt(i);
2615             // if it's not an ASCII 7 character, break here, and use UTF-8 
2616             if (ch >= 128)
2617                 break;
2618         }
2620         // we saw no non-ascii-7 character
2621         if (i == len) {
2622             return str;       // <--- reserved characters are not 
2623         }

I know it is deliberate attempt to avoid '[' and ']' characters being percent 
encoded, whether the URL has an IPv6 address or not, even though '[' and ']' 
are reserved characters outside of an IPv6 address .

My point is if you don't encode reserved ASCII characters when all the 
characters in the URL are ASCII characters then don't encode reserved ASCII 
characters when there are also international characters present that will be 
encoded. Then "escapeNonUSAscii" actually does what the method is called :-)

Otherwise the other, more preferable solution IMHO, is to remove the hack of 
using escapeNonUSAscii.


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