On 11/07/2012 00:11, Xueming Shen wrote:

In JDK7, the decoder and encoder implementation of most of our single-byte charsets and UTF-8 charset are optimized to implement the internal interfce sun.nio.cs.ArrayDecoder/ Encoder to provide a fastpath for String.getBytes(...) and new String(byte[]...) operations. I
have an old blog regarding this optimization at


This rfe, as the followup for above changes, is to implement ArrayDe/Encoder for most of the sun.nio.cs.ext.DoubleByte based double-byte charsets. Here is the webrev

I've taken a pass over this and it's great to see DoubleByte.Decoder/Encoder implementing sun.nio.cs.ArrayDecoder/Encoder. The results looks good too, a small number of regressions (Big5 at len=32 for example) but this is a micro benchmark and I'm sure there are fluctuations. I don't see anything obviously wrong with the EBCDIC changes I'd need a history book to remember how the shifts between DBCS and SBCS. I think our tests our good for this area so I'm happy. One minor nit is the continue in both encode methods, I think it would be cleaner to use "else if (bb ..." instead.

I see in TestStringCoding.java that you've commented out the test that goes over the buffer limit - would I be correct to say that this isn't an issue and this happens with DB charsets today?

Ulf - you've got several patches to the double byte charsets and I wonder if you have cycles to try Sherman's patch with jdk8 to see if there is any more to be gained?


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