On 22/11/2012 21:27, Rob McKenna wrote:
Hi folks,

Looking for a review for the webrev below, which also resolves:

7175692: (process) Process.exec should use posix_spawn [macosx]

For additional context and a brief description it would be well worth looking at the following thread started by Michael McMahon, who did the brunt of the work for this fix:


Basically the fix aims to swap fork for posix_spawn as the default process launch mechanism on Solaris and Mac OSX in order to avoid swap exhaustion issues encountered with fork()/exec(). It also offers a flag (java.lang.useFork) to allow a user to revert to the old behaviour.

I'm having trouble seeing the wood for the trees at this point so I'm anticipating plenty of feedback. In particular I'd appreciate some discussion on:

- The binary launcher name & property name may need some work. A more general property ("java.lang.launchMechanism") to allow a user to specify a particular call was mooted too. It may be more future proof and I'm completely open to that. (e.g. launchMechanism=spawn|fork|vfork|clone - we would obviously ignore inapplicable values on a per-platform basis) - I'd like a more robust way of checking that someone isn't trying to use jprochelper outside of the context for which it is meant. - The decision around which call to use getting moved to the java level and away from the native preprocessor.

The webrev is at:

http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~robm/5049299/webrev.01/ <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Erobm/5049299/webrev.01/>
It's great to get this one moving again, we should have helped Michael more to get this over the line on the first outing.

This one will require very careful review, I don't have cycles this week, I hope others do. For now I think that naming the trampoline jprochelper or jspawnhelper is okay. To make it more robust then I'd probably prepend a magic number or some token. Also I'd probably fstat stdin and uses S_FIFO to check the mode.

As the property is implementation specific then I think something like jdk.lang.process.useFork is a better start. It would be nice not to require it although I agree we have to walk carefully as this area has a tendency to bite back. I don't think you need to make it any more configurable than that.

If this is successful then I think we should look at updating the hotspot code too as it has the same issue with VM options such as OnError.


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