On 6/12/2012 7:27 AM, Akhil Arora wrote:
Updated - http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~akhil/8004201.1/webrev/

- delegate to Math.min/max for int/long/float/double
- rename Boolean.and/or/xor to logicalAnd/logicalOr/logicalXor
- removed Character variants of min/max/sum

On 12/02/2012 05:50 PM, David Holmes wrote:
Is it really necessary/desirable to flag all of these as " Suitable for
conversion as a method reference to functional interfaces such as ..." ?

Not necessary, but it does provide a hint as to their intended use to a
casual browser of these docs.

I don't find it desirable either.

This style:

+ * @param a a boolean argument.
+ * @param b another boolean argument.

is at odds with the style used elsewhere for new Functional APIs, and
with the style of other methods in these classes. Can we just use "first
operand" and "second operand" for all of these?

It is consistent with Math.min/max, which use the a/b style. Since these
methods are not in one of the functional package, is'nt it better to
stick to the local style?

Why do you consider Math to be representative of "local style"? Math isn't even internally consistent with its style - see Math.max versus Math.addExact etc. And Math doesn't include the arguments type in its description. (Consistency is not a strong point in the Java APIs :( )

Given these are being added to support the new functional type I suggest using the same style as for the functional types.

Character.sum does not make sense to me. Who adds together characters?
I'm not even sure min and max are worth supporting for Character.

Good point - removed these methods for Character.

I disagree with other suggestions to use the Math functions for
float/double. I think all these methods should use the underlying
primitive operator regardless of type.

Are you disagreeing only for float/double or for int/long also? Can you
provide more information as to why you disagree?

I withdraw my objection.




On 1/12/2012 4:44 AM, Akhil Arora wrote:

Requesting review for some basic functionality related to lambdas -

Add min, max, sum methods to the primitive wrapper classes - Byte,
Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double and Character so as to be able to
use them as reducers in lambda expressions. Add and, or, xor methods to



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