We've not-so-slightly hijacked Nils' thread here - apologies for that.

On 25/02/2013 8:05 AM, Peter Levart wrote:

Just looked at one way jstat accesses the counters. It runs in a
separate VM and maps-in a file that is already mapped in the observing
VM in the direct buffer. It then accesses it via a LongBuffer view (for
long counters). So there's no synchronization between counter updater
and counter reader. On ARM v6 jstat could see a "torn" long counter
then, right?

Right. With current implementation of PerfLongCounter it uses simple stores (not atomic ops).

The double-32bit-CAS updater that I presented would not make it worse
then on such platforms, I suppose.

No change in tearing abaility.

On the platforms that support 64bit atomic stores, there are not such
problems. And I assume those same platforms also support 64bit CAS, or
are there platforms with 64bit atomic stores and no 64bit CAS?

Most of them actually :) All Java platforms must support atomic load/store of 64-bit values to support volatile long and double variables. On 32-bit platforms this is done via a range of techniques - for example on x86 it is done via the FPU. But these atomic accesses are currently restricted to Java volatile field accesses via bytecode - there are not exposed via the Unsafe methods, nor are they made available via the Atomic:: class in the VM.

Some of these 32-bit platforms also support the 64-bit CAS, which is what supports_cx8() is intended to indicate.

If the PerfCounters were supposed to be thread-safe then they might use these alternate atomic access operations.


Regards, Peter


Regards, Peter


If this is true and it is not that important, then instead of a
synchronized update of 64bit counter, a 32bit CAS could be used,
optionally (rarely) followed by a second 32bit CAS, like for example:


I tried this on ARM v6 and it works much better than synchronized
access, but I don't know if it's acceptable. It guarantees eventual
correctness of summed value if the only operation performed is
add() (no
set() intermingled) and has the same possibility of incorrect
reads by observers as current PerfCounter has for unsynchronized

Here's the comparison of unpatched/patched PerfCounter.increment()
micro-benchmark on single-core ARM v6 (Raspbery-PI):

*** Original PerfCounter, ARM v6

# PerfCounter_increment: run duration:  5,000 ms, #of logical CPUS: 1
            1 threads, Tavg =    269.34 ns/op (σ =   0.00 ns/op) [
            2 threads, Tavg =  7,170.48 ns/op (σ = 410.77 ns/op) [
6,783.73,  7,603.95]
            3 threads, Tavg = 12,034.82 ns/op (σ = 418.99 ns/op)
[11,792.33, 11,714.67, 12,639.26]
            4 threads, Tavg = 16,029.76 ns/op (σ = 1,411.44 ns/op)
[15,592.04, 18,511.52, 15,642.52, 14,818.16]

*** Patched PerfCounter, ARM v6

# PerfCounter_increment: run duration:  5,000 ms, #of logical CPUS: 1
            1 threads, Tavg =    166.21 ns/op (σ =   0.00 ns/op) [
            2 threads, Tavg =    332.58 ns/op (σ =   0.12 ns/op) [
332.45,    332.70]
            3 threads, Tavg =    500.30 ns/op (σ =   0.22 ns/op) [
500.04,    500.29,    500.58]
            4 threads, Tavg =    667.95 ns/op (σ =   2.11 ns/op) [
665.22,    667.18,    668.40,    671.04]

Regards, Peter

On 02/24/2013 11:31 AM, David Holmes wrote:
On 24/02/2013 6:50 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
Hi David,

I thought it was ok to pass null, but I don't know the "portability"
issues in-depth. The javadoc for Unsafe says:

/"This method refers to a variable by means of two parameters, and
so it
provides (in effect) a double-register addressing mode for Java
variables. When the object reference is null, this method uses its
offset as an absolute address. This is similar in operation to
such as getInt(long), which provide (in effect) a single-register
addressing mode for non-Java variables. However, because Java
may have a different layout in memory from non-Java variables,
programmers should not assume that these two addressing modes are
equivalent. Also, programmers should remember that offsets from the
double-register addressing mode cannot be portably confused with
used in the single-register addressing mode."/

That is the doc for getXXX but not for getAndAddXXX or
compareAndSwapXXX. You can't have null here:

UNSAFE_ENTRY(jboolean, Unsafe_CompareAndSwapLong(JNIEnv *env, jobject
unsafe, jobject obj, jlong offset, jlong e, jlong x))
  Handle p (THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve(obj));
  jlong* addr = (jlong*)(index_oop_from_field_offset_long(p(),
  if (VM_Version::supports_cx8())
    return (jlong)(Atomic::cmpxchg(x, addr, e)) == e;
  else {
    jboolean success = false;
    ObjectLocker ol(p, THREAD);
    if (*addr == e) { *addr = x; success = true; }
    return success;


Does anybody know the in-depth interpretation of the above? Is it
the particular Java/native type differences (for example,
endianess of
variables) that these two addressing modes might interpret
or something else too?

Regards, Peter

On 02/24/2013 12:39 AM, David Holmes wrote:

In your use of Unsafe you pass "null" as the object. I'm pretty
certain you can't pass null here. Unsafe operates on fields or


On 24/02/2013 5:39 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
Hi Nils,

If the counters are updated frequently from multiple threads,
might be contention/scalability issues. Instead of
synchronization on
updates, you might consider using atomic updates provided by
sun.misc.Unsafe, like for example:

Index: jdk/src/share/classes/sun/misc/PerfCounter.java

--- jdk/src/share/classes/sun/misc/PerfCounter.java
+++ jdk/src/share/classes/sun/misc/PerfCounter.java
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@

  package sun.misc;

+import sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer;
  import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
  import java.nio.ByteOrder;
  import java.nio.LongBuffer;
@@ -50,6 +52,8 @@
  public class PerfCounter {
      private static final Perf perf =
          AccessController.doPrivileged(new Perf.GetPerfAction());
+    private static final Unsafe unsafe =
+        Unsafe.getUnsafe();

      // Must match values defined in
      private final static int V_Constant  = 1;
@@ -59,12 +63,14 @@

      private final String name;
      private final LongBuffer lb;
+    private final DirectBuffer db;

      private PerfCounter(String name, int type) {
          this.name = name;
          ByteBuffer bb = perf.createLong(name, U_None, type, 0L);
          this.lb = bb.asLongBuffer();
+        this.db = bb instanceof DirectBuffer ? (DirectBuffer)
bb :

      static PerfCounter newPerfCounter(String name) {
@@ -79,23 +85,44 @@
       * Returns the current value of the perf counter.
-    public synchronized long get() {
+    public long get() {
+        if (db != null) {
+            return unsafe.getLongVolatile(null, db.address());
+        }
+        else {
+            synchronized (this) {
-        return lb.get(0);
-    }
+                return lb.get(0);
+            }
+        }
+    }

       * Sets the value of the perf counter to the given newValue.
-    public synchronized void set(long newValue) {
+    public void set(long newValue) {
+        if (db != null) {
+            unsafe.putOrderedLong(null, db.address(), newValue);
+        }
+        else {
+            synchronized (this) {
-        lb.put(0, newValue);
-    }
+                lb.put(0, newValue);
+            }
+        }
+    }

       * Adds the given value to the perf counter.
-    public synchronized void add(long value) {
-        long res = get() + value;
+    public void add(long value) {
+        if (db != null) {
+            unsafe.getAndAddLong(null, db.address(), value);
+        }
+        else {
+            synchronized (this) {
+                long res = lb.get(0) + value;
-        lb.put(0, res);
+                lb.put(0, res);
+            }
+        }


Testing the PerfCounter.increment() method in a loop on multiple
sharing the same PerfCounter instance, for example, on a 4-core
Intel i7
machine produces the following results:

# PerfCounter_increment: run duration:  5,000 ms, #of logical
            1 threads, Tavg =     19.02 ns/op (? = 0.00 ns/op)
            2 threads, Tavg =    109.93 ns/op (? = 6.17 ns/op)
            3 threads, Tavg =    136.64 ns/op (? = 2.99 ns/op)
            4 threads, Tavg =    293.26 ns/op (? = 5.30 ns/op)
            5 threads, Tavg =    316.94 ns/op (? = 6.28 ns/op)
            6 threads, Tavg =    686.96 ns/op (? = 7.09 ns/op)
            7 threads, Tavg =    793.28 ns/op (? = 10.57 ns/op)
            8 threads, Tavg =    898.15 ns/op (? = 14.63 ns/op)

With the presented patch, the results are a little better:

# PerfCounter_increment: run duration:  5,000 ms, #of logical
# Measure:
            1 threads, Tavg =      5.22 ns/op (? = 0.00 ns/op)
            2 threads, Tavg =     34.51 ns/op (? = 0.60 ns/op)
            3 threads, Tavg =     54.85 ns/op (? = 1.42 ns/op)
            4 threads, Tavg =     74.67 ns/op (? = 1.71 ns/op)
            5 threads, Tavg =     94.71 ns/op (? = 41.68 ns/op)
            6 threads, Tavg =    114.80 ns/op (? = 32.10 ns/op)
            7 threads, Tavg =    136.70 ns/op (? = 26.80 ns/op)
            8 threads, Tavg =    158.48 ns/op (? = 9.93 ns/op)

The scalability is not much better, but the raw speed is, so it
present less contention when used in real-world code. If you
better scalability, there is a new class in JDK8, the
java.util.concurrent.LongAdder. But that doesn't buy atomic
"set()" -
only "add()". And it can't update native-memory variables, so it
only be used for add-only counters and in conjunction with a
thread that would periodically flush the sum to the native

Regards, Peter

On 02/08/2013 06:10 PM, Nils Loodin wrote:
It would be interesting to know the number of thrown
throwables in
JVM, to be able to do some high level application diagnostics /
statistics. A good way to put this number would be a performance
counter, since it is accessible both from Java and from the VM.


Nils Loodin

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