I accidentally stepped on this bug the other day. There is a problem in 
linker_md.c : dll_build_name() where an internal pointer can be moved to point 
outside the string. The code looks like:

  57 static void dll_build_name(char* buffer, size_t buflen,
  58                            const char* pname, const char* fname) {
  59     // Based on os_solaris.cpp
  61     char *path_sep = PATH_SEPARATOR;
  62     char *pathname = (char *)pname;
  63     while (strlen(pathname) > 0) {
  64         char *p = strchr(pathname, *path_sep);
  65         if (p == NULL) {
  66             p = pathname + strlen(pathname);
  67         }
  68         /* check for NULL path */
  69         if (p == pathname) {
  70             continue;
  71         }
  72         (void)snprintf(buffer, buflen, "%.*s/lib%s." LIB_SUFFIX, (p - 
  73                        pathname, fname);
  75         if (access(buffer, F_OK) == 0) {
  76             break;
  77         }
  78         pathname = p + 1;
  79         *buffer = '\0';
  80     }

If the supplied pname is a buffer with a simple path without any path 
separators in it, p will be set to the terminating nul on line 66. Then on line 
78 it will be moved outside the buffer. Fixing this also necessitates fixes to 
the callers to check for an empty return string (in buffer).

The same code show up in both the solaris code and the windows code as well as 

bug: http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=8009397
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sla/8009397/webrev.00/


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