On 11/04/2013 01:40, Martin Buchholz wrote:
I've often wished that CharSequence had getChars methods, as many of the concrete implementations already do.
In jdk8 with default methods, this is possible!
This will make some of the String code a little nicer and more efficient.

Here's a preliminary patch in this direction, that overlaps with some of the work done in

6206780: (str) Forwarding append methods in String{Buffer,Builder} are inconsistent Summary: update StringBuilder & StringBuffer to consistently handle forwarding to AbstractStringBuilder. Some additional cleanup (removal of refs to sub-classes from AbstractStringBuilder)

http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~martin/webrevs/openjdk8/getChars/ <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Emartin/webrevs/openjdk8/getChars/>

If we have consensus that this is a good idea, I can flesh this out.
It's come up a few times and I agree it's worth trying out.

You should probably add CharBuffer to the list to look at it. At least for the 3-arg getChars, then it will need consideration as to whether it works as relative bulk get (which it would if not overridden). Also the 5-args getChars will treat srcBegin/srcEnd as relative to the current position as it stands.


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