Thanks, Martin!

You are right. The approach

    private static String JAVA_EXE = System.getProperty("java.home")
        + File.separator + "bin"
        + File.separator + "java";

    private static String[] getCommandArray(String processName) {
        String[] cmdArray = {
        return cmdArray;

is better. There is one more problem with raise-condition for the file handles. In current edition there is delta when the file handle could be inherited by the concurrent process. That is not fatal for read/write, but not good for delete. Synchronized call does not cover the file.close in finalized block.

I will prepare new edition soon.


On 5/8/2013 10:20 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
Thanks for working on the scary windows process stuff.
I only have time for superficial review.
It looks like you know what you're doing.

+        String[] cmdArray = {
+            "java",
+            "-cp",
This looks like it's invoking whatever "java" is on the path. But there's no guarantee there is such a java, or that it's the right one. Consider invoking the java we're in, as in other jtreg tests like IIRC ProcessBuilder/

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